Thursday, December 19, 2019

Warm Wishes to All!

Unfortunately,  Mother Nature prevented us from hosting our evening performance of our 4th and 5th grade Winter Concert.  But fortunately, and many thanks to a whole lot of dedicated musicians and school staff, we've captured the afternoon concert performance and hope that you can enjoy it from the warmth of your own home!  Here is the link to the performance:

On behalf of all of us here at Onondaga Road School, I'd like to extend warm holiday wishes to you and your families.  Happy New Year 2020 to all, and we will see you on Monday, January 6, 2020!

January Dates to Remember:

·  Monday, January 6 - Welcome back to school!
·  Wednesday, January 8, 7:00 p.m. - Board Of Education Meeting at WGHS
·  Thursday, January 9, 6:30 p.m. - PTA Meeting at OR Library
·  Friday, January 10 - Spirit Day - Wear blue and gold!·  

Please enjoy the artwork below which was selected to be featured in our Holiday Concert program. 
Max - Mrs. Laurie's Class

Corinne - Mrs. Laurie's Class

Sophia - Mrs.Laurie's Class

Addison - Mrs. Laurie's Class

Casper - Mrs. Laurie's Class

Monday, December 9, 2019

Onondaga Road Update

Calling All West Genesee School District Community Members...

Your input is important!  Each year our Strategic Planning Team comes together to review our progress toward improvement and make recommendations for continued growth.   Please click on the link below to participate, and thank you for your time and continued support.

WGCSD Strategic Plan 2020: Calls for Commentary

Our Thanks
It is with true gratitude that I express thank you to our staff and families for your generous giving and gifts.  Thank you for helping others throughout the season, and for helping us teach our children that #Otherpeoplematter! 

Onondaga Road December Happenings

  • OR Salvation Army food drive runs through Thursday, 12/12.
  • Tuesday, 12/9 - Fifth grade volunteers wrap presents, 3:20-4:00
  • Thursday, 12/12 - Pick up Square-1-Art orders in the main lobby, 4:00-6:00
  • Friday, 12/13 - School store
  • Friday, 12/13 - Kindergarten gingerbread house construction! 2:00-3:00
  • Friday, 12/13 - Report cards distributed
  • Wednesday, 12/18 - OR grades 4 & 5 holiday concert at West Genesee High School auditorium, 7:00 Friday, 12/20 - Holiday classroom celebrations, 2:15-3:00  

Friday, November 22, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Monday, 11/25 and Tuesday, 11/26 are half-days for elementary schools due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Students will be dismissed at 11:20 (walkers) and 11:30 (bus riders).  Please send a note if your child will be picked up, or if his/her dismissal routine will change for those days.  Give us a call if you need a reminder of your conference time!  I hope you will find this time rewarding as you learn about your child's successes and ways you can continue to support from home.
Last week our students from grades 3-5 competed in the annual Elk's Basketball Free Throw Shooting Competition.  Congratulations to these students who will be moving on to the next round: Ben J., Jeremy C., Akrum I., Eva G., Sarah A., Dominic Y., Jacob G., Dena H., Everleigh C.

On behalf of the Onondaga Road School Family, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Wildcat Pride...

Please join me in extending congratulations to Mrs. Lauren Laurie! Mrs. Laurie, one of our third grade teachers here at Onondaga Road, has been recognized as the Camillus Optimists' Teacher of the Year.  Mrs. Laurie touches the hearts and minds of many people, adults and children alike, and is humbled by this recognition.  Look how proud her students are as they "present" their teacher to the community!

We are just finishing the first ten weeks of school, and we have Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled in the next two weeks.  This is a great way for you to connect with your child's teacher and learn about your child's progress.  Please call us if you need a reminder of your conference time!   Students' report cards will be distributed in December.

The members of the Board of Education would like to invite all members of our West Genesee community to an Open Forum for a meet and greet opportunity on Wednesday, November 20 at 6:00.  All are welcome. Please see the flyer for details!

Dates for Your Calendar:
  • Tuesday, 11/19 - Merry Go Round Theater performs Carmen for grade 3
  • Wednesday, 11/20 - 6:00-7:00 - BOE Open Forum
  • Wednesday, 11/20 - 7:00 - Board of Education Meeting 
  • Friday, 11/22 - School Store
  • Monday, 11/25 - Grade 5 Jump Rope club performs a school assembly
  • Monday, 11/25 - Half-day dismissal for Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:25)
  • Tuesday, 11/26 -  Half-day dismissal for Parent-Teacher Conferences (11:25)
  • Wednesday, 11/27 through Friday, 11/29 - Thanksgiving Recess

Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy November, everyone!

Just a couple of reminders for next week...

  • Tuesday, November 5 is a half-day dismissal for all students.  Dismissal is at 11:20 for walkers and 11:30 for our buses.   There is professional development for all staff that afternoon.
  • Wednesday, November 6 is our picture make-up/retake day.  Just remember that if you are requesting that your child's picture be retaken, you must return the original picture packet.

We hope you enjoy the slide show of our Halloween celebration at OR!  A good time was had by all!  Click on the link below to view the slide show:

Halloween Parade

Monday, October 28, 2019

Spooky Things are Happening!

A big thank you goes out to our PTA for bringing our famous author, Troy Cummings, to visit us last Wednesday.  Mr. Cummings took us through an amazing journey of how to be an author, and we even created our own character called Doggapillar... Ask your child how that silly name was invented!

Officer Tom, our School Resource Officer, is often seen making great connections with our students.  You never know where you might see him next!

Congratulations to our top Onondaga Road Spellers who will be representing our school in the West Genesee Spelling Bee on November 7:  Jeremy C, Emma C, Natalia F, Annalise J, and Zella W. 

Please see below as a reminder of our school Halloween celebration.  Remember to send your child's costume in a bag, and be sure to label all of the parts with your child's name.  Thank you to the room parents who have already agreed to help and to others who will be sending in tricks and treats.  Let's keep Halloween safe and fun for everyone!

Onondaga Road School Halloween Parties!
Thursday, October 31, 2019, 2:15 p.m

As was the case last year, for safety reasons, we will not have an outdoor Halloween parade.  We will have classroom Halloween parties, and costumes are optional but encouraged!  We will run our regular daily school schedule until 2:00.  Our parties will begin at 2:15 on Halloween Day. Important note:  Only parents who have already signed up to be room helpers/volunteers will be permitted into the building for Halloween parties.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Please follow these important guidelines to make the day a safe and happy one for all of our children. 

  • If your child chooses to bring a costume, please send it to school in a bag.  Do not send your child to school in costume or wearing make-up. All scary, violent, bloody masks, weapons, spears or other dangerous accessories are not appropriate for school and must remain at home. Our youngest students can be frightened easily, and we want them to have a positive experience.

  • Halloween parties will be held in the classrooms at 2:15.

  • Parents who expressed interest in helping at the party were asked to sign up as a Room Parent Volunteer.  Only adults who are already designated helpers will be permitted into the classrooms during the parties.  Volunteers, please plan to arrive at school between 1:45-2:00 to sign in and to get set up.  You must sign in at the main office with your ID and wear a visible visitor’s badge while you are in the building. Helpers are asked not to bring younger children.

  • All treats should have a label so that ingredients can be checked, as we have many students with allergies.

  • If you are a volunteer/helper, please avoid wearing masks and costumes. Adults are not permitted to wear full-faced masks.  Naturally, we must be able to recognize everyone who is interacting with our children.

  • Please encourage your child to ride the bus home. Minimizing the car traffic at the end of the day will help us get the children to their buses safely. Children will not wear their costumes on the buses but will have plenty of time and assistance to remove their costumes before dismissal. We will follow normal dismissal procedures.

  • As always, if you must pick your child up early due to other appointments, please be sure to send a note, bring your ID when you come, and sign him/her out in the main office.


Friday, October 11, 2019

🍁  Updates from OR🍂

Thank you, Mr. Bills, for coming to our P2 assembly and talking to us about "integrity."  He shared examples of how you feel good about yourself when you make good choices, even when nobody else is watching!  In classes next week, we will discuss more about acting with integrity, being honest and being trustworthy.   

📚Book Fair News
Hopefully you received a flyer about our upcoming book fair.  Our book fair will be open to families on Friday, October 18 and Monday, October 21 from 3:30 until 6:00 p.m. both days.  Families have the option to visit either of those days.  Additionally, students in grades 3, 4, 5 can go to the book fair with their classes on Friday.  Students in grades K, 1, 2 can visit the book fair during the day on Monday, the 21st. 

📒Author Visit
We are so lucky!  A real live author is coming to our school!  On Wednesday, Troy Cummings, author of The Notebook of Doom collection, will be coming to read to us at a special assembly.  Thank you to our PTA for helping to make this happen.

Some children are already planning Halloween costumes and thinking about all of those yummy treats that go along with the tricks!  You will receive a detailed letter about Halloween Day at school, so be on the lookout.  Please know that in the name of school safety, we will not have an outdoor parade, and only the few parents who have already signed up to be room-parent volunteers will be permitted into the school.  The brief in-school celebration and costuming is for our kids to have fun, all while maintaining a safe school environment.  Heartfelt thanks to all of our families and community for your continued support.

There is no school on Monday, October 14, so we will see everyone on Tuesday!  Enjoy the long, fall weekend.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Onondaga Road Update

Our kids seem to be pretty excited about two new incentives, Bus Bucks and the Golden Spatula.  If you haven't heard about these yet, be sure to ask your children to explain, and ask them what is their role in earning these recognitions.  Congratulations to the students who have earned and brought home Bus Bucks for being respectful, responsible and safe bus riders.   And congratulations to the classes who have earned the Golden Spatula trophy for their manners in the cafeteria!

Next week our students will continue to learn about how other people matter through the  Positivity Project.  Next week's lessons will focus on "being present and giving others my attention."  That means that you give your full attention when you're with other people.  Practice this at home, like when you're having dinner together, or reading a story together, or engaging in conversation and really listening to one another.  After all,  #otherpeoplematter!

If your child missed school picture day, no worries; we'll have picture make-up day on Wednesday, November 6.  Flyers will come home as a reminder when that day gets closer.

We have a busy week ahead:
  • Jump Rope Club begins for interested 5th graders on Monday, October 7 at 8:15.  Students who are planning to participate must remember to bring their permission slips.
  • Mr. Gramlich, our science specialist, comes to visit grades 2 and 4.  
  • Merry-Go-Round Theater actors will come to visit grade 5 for a performance of the play Emilia.  
  • We will have a Positivity Project assembly on Thursday to learn about integrity.
  • All that and lots more learning, too!  

Thursday evening, October 10, at 6:30, all are welcome to our monthly PTA meeting in the OR library.  Be on the lookout for information about the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair, a visit from children's author Troy Cummings, and Halloween, all sponsored by PTA!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 27, 2019

🍁October is Just Around the Corner!

Be sure to mark your calendar for these events at Onondaga Road, and be on the lookout for details as each event gets closer.
- Tuesday, October 1 - Morning band rehearsals begin for band participants!
- Wednesday, October 2 - School Picture Day
- Friday, October 4 - Spirit Day - Wear 
blue and gold!
- Thursday, October 10 - PTA Meeting at 6:30
- Friday, October 18 - Scholastic Book Fair
- Monday, October 21 - Scholastic Book Fair

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 20, 2019

OR Expectations: Safe, Respectful, Responsible


Here are some helpful tips you can use to reinforce these three school-wide expectations:
  • Remember that the school day starts at 9:00 and ends at 3:15.  Students should be here on time, but not too early.  There is no supervision for students before 8:50.
    If you are picking your child up at day's end, our doors open for dismissal at 3:10.  Try to get here at that time rather than coming early.  Early dismissals can be disruptive to learning, and our days are full to the last minute!
  • Ask your child if he or she has earned any Bus Bucks!  This is an incentive to encourage safe, respectful, responsible bus riders.
  • Set a regular evening routine, including bedtime.  Children thrive on routines and then are rested and ready to start the next day's adventures on time!
  • Check your child's backpack every day.  Help celebrate their daily accomplishments!
  • Talk about the week's positivity trait and what that means to your child.  This week we learned about curiosity, and next week we will focus on teamwork.
  • Remember to bring your ID if you come to school, and thank you for adhering to our visitors' rules.
Next week...
  • Tuesday, 9/24, 7:00 p.m. - Come meet our new Superintendent, Mr. David Bills, at the high school LGI room.
  • Thursday, 9/26, 8:00 a.m. - Orchestra rehearsal begins in the gym.
  • Friday, 9/27 - School Store is open during student lunches. This happens only once per month.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Together Everyone Achieves More!

As we embark on our first full week of school, it's a good time to start planning how you might get involved as the year progresses.  Our OR PTA is instrumental in providing many events and activities for all of our children, and you can help!  Maybe you'd like to volunteer at a particular event, or participate in an activity; maybe you just want to hear more about what our PTA has to offer.  Please join us at our first PTA meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 6:30 p.m. in our library.  Thank you, in advance, for your participation, as these events are only possible because of the support we receive from home!

See the attached flyer regarding an opportunity to meet our new Superintendent, Mr. David Bills.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Welcome back, Onondaga Roaders!

Tonight, Thursday, 9/5, is our Curriculum/Title 1 Information Night.  This evening is for adults only and runs from 6:00-7:30.

***Parents of children in Kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, please go to your child's classroom at 6:00-6:45.

***Parents of children in grades 3, 4, 5, please go to your child's classroom at 6:45-7:30.

Hope to see you here tonight!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Welcome to Kindergarten,
Class of 2032!

Here we go...
We are looking forward to a great start to the new school year!
School starts on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.  This is a half-day for students.  Dismissal is at 11:30 a.m. so be sure to plan ahead for your daycare needs!
Our first full day of school is Thursday, September 5.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
  • Thursday, 9/5 - Curriculum/Title 1 Information Night, 6:00-7:30
  • Friday, 9/6 - School Spirit Day - Wear blue and gold!
  • Tuesday, 9/10 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 - All are welcome!
If you would like to become an official member of the OR PTA, click here:

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Summer Greetings from OR!

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer sunshine!  We are preparing for another great school year, so I wanted to share a few updates with you.

On Monday, August 19, we will have a "New Student Walk Through Orientation" for students and families who are new to Onondaga Road. New families should receive an invitation in the mail today!

 "Kindergarten Orientation" is being held on Monday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m.  Kindergarten students and families will receive an invitation in the mail this week with details about this event!

Our summer mailing for all students, which includes teacher/classroom placement, meal, and transportation information, is scheduled to go out on Wednesday, August 21, so you should receive that letter by that Friday or Saturday.        

CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU to our PTA and our supportive families!  Our PTA is the recipient of a NY State recognition called the Good Apple Membership Growth Award, Silver Level.  This was awarded to the few schools in NYS whose PTAs had increased membership by at least 50% during the 2018-19 school year.  We look forward to continued participation and family involvement in the upcoming year!  Watch for more information in the coming weeks.

Remember...Safety first!  All guests/visitors to our school are required to show photo ID upon arrival and to gain entrance to the building.

Other Dates to Remember...
  • Wednesday, 9/4 - First day of school!  This is a half-day for students, and dismissal is at 11:30. 
  • Thursday, 9/5 - Full day, 9:00-3:20
  • Thursday evening, 9/5 - Curriculum Night (for Parents/Guardians), 6:00-7:30 
  • Friday, 9/6 - School Spirit Day - Wear blue and gold!
  • Tuesday, 9/10 - PTA meeting at OR library, 6:30 p.m.  All are welcome! 

Enjoy the rest of the summer, and we'll see you soon!