Monday, November 27, 2017

Standards-Based Grading and Reporting

West Genesee Elementary schools have changed how we grade and report student progress for this school year. The new Standards-based approach will give you more accurate, detailed information about your child’s performance in relation to State and District Standards. It will allow teachers to better meet the needs of individual students, and will give students a clearer picture of their strengths and areas in need of growth.

Our report cards are aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards. You will find:
  1. Category titles and descriptions reflecting the NYS Common Core Learning Standards.
  2. Grading keys reflecting student progress toward State and District Standards.
  3. Behaviors of the learner that reflect student skill necessary to be a successful learner (Behaviors that Support Learning).

Standards-Based Report Cards:
  1. Describe what a student should know and be able to do at an identified point in time.
  2. Reflect grade-level standards and expectations so families gain a clearer understanding of student progress.
  3. Provide consistent evaluations throughout the year based on individualized instruction information.

Academic Achievement Key:
Grading Guidelines
Meeting New York State and District Standards
Working toward New York State and District Standards
Not meeting New York State and District Standards
Standard not assessed at this time

Behaviors that Support Learning Key:
Consistently Meeting Expectations
Working Toward Expectations
Experiencing Difficulty with Expectations

Special Area teachers in art, music, library and physical education will also use this same C-W-D rating scale for reporting student progress.

Report cards will be sent home on Friday, December 8, and our Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, December 14 and Friday, December 15. Your child’s teacher will be the best source of information regarding any questions you have about the report card.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Giving Thanks at Onondaga Road

A Time for Giving Thanks

The spirit of holiday giving is upon us, and I am ever so grateful for the generosity of our school community.  At this time, our students are working on charitable projects to support local families and children.  Our primary students, grades K, 1, 2, are currently collecting new books and fun band-aids to be donated to the Golisano Children’s Hospital in the name of Griffin’s Guardians.  Our intermediate students, grades 3, 4, 5, are collecting items to fulfill the holiday dreams of local families, and fifth graders will help wrap all of the gifts that we gather.  Our Onondaga Road staff has provided Thanksgiving feasts for local families.  Thank you all, truly, for supporting our children, families, and community.  The act of giving helps our students and staff feel more connected to the greater community in an important, caring way.

We have been learning a lot about the character strength of “gratitude” through our Positivity Project:  “Gratitude is the quality of feeling and expressing thankfulness and appreciation. It is an affirmation that there is goodness in other people and the world, and that we have received that goodness.”

On Monday, November 20th, students from grades 3, 4, 5 were treated to an adventure to the  Carrier Dome to see the SU Women’s Basketball game.  The collaboration between Syracuse University and the schools was much appreciated, and a good time was had by all!  We look forward to keeping this tradition going in future years.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students recently competed in Onondaga Road's qualifying round of the annual Elks Free Throw Shooting competition. Congratulations to the following students pictured below who will be moving on to the next round:
Front Row: Niko Trajkovski, Jeremy Clifton, Austin Glowacki and Ariana Harvey. 
Back Row: EJ Ehman, Amyah Macknail, Tasneem Mahmoud, Alaina Dudzinski, Faustin O'Neill and Austin Glowacki. 

Calendar Dates
  • Schools are closed November 22-24.  Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Tuesday, November 28 – Grade 5 Jump Rope Assembly
  • Friday, December 1 – End of Marking First Marking Period
  • Friday, December 8 – Report Cards are Distributed
  • Friday, December 8 – Kindergarten Gingerbread Houses, 2:00
  • Thursday, December 14 and Friday, December 15 – Half-days for Students (Parent-Teacher Conferences)
  • Thursday, December 21 – Grades 4 & 5 Concert, 7:00 at WGHS

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  May your time with family and friends be memorable and safe. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Onondaga Road reminders

 Just A Reminder

  •  Tuesday, November 7th is a half-day of school.  Dismissal for “walkers” is at 11:20, and buses leave school at 11:30.  Be sure to send a note if your child’s dismissal routine will be different from other days.
  • The after school Y-Program is not held at Onondaga Road on half-days but is at Christ Community Church on Warners Road.
  • Friday, November 10th is Veteran’s Day, and schools are closed in honor of America’s veterans.