Friday, September 20, 2019

OR Expectations: Safe, Respectful, Responsible


Here are some helpful tips you can use to reinforce these three school-wide expectations:
  • Remember that the school day starts at 9:00 and ends at 3:15.  Students should be here on time, but not too early.  There is no supervision for students before 8:50.
    If you are picking your child up at day's end, our doors open for dismissal at 3:10.  Try to get here at that time rather than coming early.  Early dismissals can be disruptive to learning, and our days are full to the last minute!
  • Ask your child if he or she has earned any Bus Bucks!  This is an incentive to encourage safe, respectful, responsible bus riders.
  • Set a regular evening routine, including bedtime.  Children thrive on routines and then are rested and ready to start the next day's adventures on time!
  • Check your child's backpack every day.  Help celebrate their daily accomplishments!
  • Talk about the week's positivity trait and what that means to your child.  This week we learned about curiosity, and next week we will focus on teamwork.
  • Remember to bring your ID if you come to school, and thank you for adhering to our visitors' rules.
Next week...
  • Tuesday, 9/24, 7:00 p.m. - Come meet our new Superintendent, Mr. David Bills, at the high school LGI room.
  • Thursday, 9/26, 8:00 a.m. - Orchestra rehearsal begins in the gym.
  • Friday, 9/27 - School Store is open during student lunches. This happens only once per month.