Monday, August 31, 2020

August 31 Message: Arrival, Dismissal, Meals

Greetings from Onondaga Road

It’s in the Mail! 

This time of year is so exciting!  I know our kids are ready to find out about their new teachers and classmates, so be on the lookout for a letter in the mail from me this week!  Most of the packets were mailed on Friday, and we have just a few more to mail on Monday.  In addition to your child’s teacher and room assignment, there is a LOT of information in your packet.  If you have any specific questions after taking time to read ALL of the information, please give us a call at the Onondaga Road School Main Office.


Preparing for School Meals

lunch bag
If you choose to have school meals, breakfast and lunch will be delivered to the classrooms. Lunches can be pre-ordered through our new Nutri-Slice online system. A description of the app and how to use it is  included in the back to school packet you will receive in the mail, or you can click here to find it directly on the school website.

School Bus Transportation

schoolbus clipart
Information about the district mobile app called Traversa Ride 360 is also included in your back to school packet.  If you opted for  school bus transportation, you will need to use the app to find details specific to your child’s bus route.  Here is a guide to using the Traversa Ride 360 mobile app.

Screening Sheets

Each family is responsible for completing a Screening Sheet for each child at the start of every school day.  Families have been provided four screening sheets in the mailed packet, and then pads of home-screening slips will be sent home on the first day of school. These slips, which indicate that a child’s temperature has been taken prior to arrival at school, the temperature is less than 100℉, the child is symptom-free, etc., will be given to school staff upon entering the building. If, on occasion, you accidentally forget to send your child’s screening slip, their temperature will be taken. If the temperature is over 100℉, they will be escorted to the nurse. Students who arrive with completed screening slips will walk directly to their assigned classroom. Students riding the bus are asked to have their screening form visible for the bus driver to see each morning.  Think of this as a daily entry ticket!

Transporting by Car or Walking

car clipart
First, and for safety’s sake, I am highly discouraging any students from riding a bike to school at this time. Considering the high volume of vehicle traffic we will experience at arrival and dismissal, a bicycle would be a great safety risk.

If your child is actually walking to or from school, s/he will use the front main door entrance.  Any parents/students walking will also receive a car-pick-up tag, and parents are required to have this tag if you are walking/escorting your child at dismissal time. (See below for dismissal procedures with the tag numbers.)

Arrival/Dismissal by Car Drop-off and Pick-up

cartag images

Because of the large number of families picking up students this year, we are using a car tag system.  Families transporting students will receive another mailing later this week which will include arrival/dismissal details and a number tag that looks similar to this:

You will get two car tags and enough corresponding backpack tags for your child(ren). We ask that you securely fasten the tag to your child's backpack. IF you plan to pick up your child but did not indicate that on the parent survey, you must contact me to make arrangements. If you plan to pick up your child more than a couple of times a month, please contact us so we can issue you a tag. If you plan to carpool, we must have a note indicating with whom your child is allowed to ride home. If your child plans to actually walk to/from school, we also must have a note granting your child permission to do so. If you have any questions about any of this after reading this information here and after you receive your car tag in the mail, please give me a call or send a brief email and I will try to help you!

School:  315-487-4653
Mrs. Clark’s email:

Details for Arrival and Dismissal

8:40-9:00 - Drop-off Time for Students Arriving by Car 

  • Please do not arrive early or drop children off prior to 8:40, as there will be no supervision.  Please avoid arriving early because waiting in your car will cause traffic to back up into Onondaga Road.

  • If you arrive after 8:55 you must wait until all buses are gone before entering the parking lot.

  • Parents are asked to stay in their cars. Of course you would be permitted to assist a child with a car seat or seat belt if needed, but we ask that you stay as close to your car as possible and refrain from walking your child to the door.  There will be staff outside to guide the children.

  • We will utilize two entrances: All cars enter the bus loop entrance to the school, and then “Even” numbered car tags will go to the left to the bus loop, students will enter the front door, and cars exit to Onondaga Road.  “Odd” numbered car tags will enter the right  side parking lot door, and cars will exit via Kent Place.

  • When you exit, please consider turning right, either from Kent Place or from the bus loop, onto Onondaga Road.  This will expedite dismissal, as turning left will be difficult in the traffic.

9:00-9:10 – School Bus Drop-off Time

  • Buses pull into the bus loop at 8:55.  Students exit the buses at 9:00 and enter the building to start the school day!

Late Arrival Procedures

  • If you arrive after 8:55, you must wait until all buses have gone before entering the parking lot.   

  • After 9:15 and the doors have been locked with no supervision outside, a parent/guardian must walk your child to the main entrance, check-in at the main office and sign their child in. Please DO NOT drop children off at the sidewalk/door when there is nobody supervising outside!

  • Students will need the Daily Home Screening Sheets; if not their temperature will be taken prior to going to class. 


2:15-2:30 - School Bus Dismissal Time

  • Students will board buses beginning at 2:15, and buses will depart from school at 2:30.  NOTE:  Parents picking up students from school must wait until after all buses leave before pulling into the parking lot.  


2:30 – Pick-up Time Begins (for parents picking up students) 

  • All student pick-ups will take place at the same door as noted for arrival:  All cars will enter the bus-loop entrance to the school, then “even” number tags will go to the left toward the bus loop and use the front door, and “odd” number tags will go straight and use the right side (parking lot side) door, then exit via Kent Place.  No parent will exit their car or enter the building.  Students will be escorted to cars for dismissal.

  • Anyone who indicated “self-transport” on the survey for dismissal will receive a car tag and student tag in the mail. 

  • If you plan to participate in a regular car pool, please call the main office to make arrangements. 

  • The procedure for picking up students will take a lot of time at first, so thank you for being patient while we work out this routine.  

Early Pick-up

  • If you need to pick your child up before dismissal for an appointment, etc., you must send a note to school with your child stating the time you will need to pick up.  NOTE: There is a 2:00 deadline for picking up students early.  In this case, parents will come to the main door (office) to sign your child out.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information carefully.  It really is going to be a team effort to keep one another safe and healthy!