Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome to the New School Year at Onondaga Road!

It is with great pleasure that I join Onondaga Road as your school principal and get to know our students, parents, staff and community.  I hope the summer has given you the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, relax and have some fun!  While I look forward to meeting you at the Ice Cream Social and Open House Nights, I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and welcome you to the 2013-2014 school year.

I come to Onondaga Road with 21 years of experience in public education as both a teacher and an administrator.   I have taught Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 5th grades and thoroughly enjoy each stage of childhood development.  Having two children of my own, who are now grown, I certainly understand the importance of clear communication between home and school, and I appreciate the strengths that each child brings to our school. 

As you know, our building has undergone many changes in the past several months.  First and foremost, welcome to our newest Onondaga Road families.  I know being new can be a little overwhelming, but after the first few days, you will be right at home here at OR!   The district-wide implementation of full day Kindergarten has also generated other changes within our building including many new teachers and assistants, and several teachers are now teaching at new or different grade-levels.

Together, over the next several months, there will be various opportunities for you to visit our school and become involved.  Please consider becoming a member of the Onondaga Road PTA, as we cannot do it without you!  Watch for flyers regarding school events, and consider donating your time to help make such events possible.

A new school year is exciting!  It brings new friends, new experiences and new opportunities.  While I don’t want to see the summer slip away, I do look forward to fall and to seeing everyone throughout the school year.  Enjoy the opening days of the new school year, and please feel free to call if you have questions as the year gets underway. 


Mrs. Jeannette E. Clark


Please enjoy a few more pictures from the first day of school below...


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Some Information to Share and a Heartfelt Farewell

Important Reminders-- Although it is listed differently on the website calendar, kindergarten classes at Onondaga Road will be held on BOTH Thursday AND Friday, June 20 and 21.  The bus will pick your child up at the usual time and dismissal will be at 11:20 (vs. 11:45).  If you have not yet done so, please inform your child’s teacher regarding the name of the adult and the address at which you want your child to be dropped off on these two days!

- Report Cards for all students will be distributed on Friday, June 21.  We do not distribute them early. So if your child will not be in school for any reason on Friday, please plan on picking up the report card.  If you prefer, you may send in a stamped self-addressed envelope and we will mail it home.

- Speaking of report cards, we will not be listing next year's teacher’s name on report cards (as I stated in the letter sent home in April).  This will allow all the elementary schools across the District to finalize placements over the summer.  You will receive a letter from Mrs. Clark (your new Principal) in mid August with your child(ren)’s teacher's name.

West Genesee Central School District Launches a New Mobile App for Android and iPhone Devices.  The West Genesee App provides an all-in-one information source for parents, students, staff, and community.  Created by ParentLink, the app was developed specifically to provide direct access to the District’s most sought after information in the most convenient form.  For more information on how to download this free app, click on this link and scroll down for the article on this topic.

Students to be Redistricted Visit Onondaga Road
We had two recent events for our new families.  One was an Open House on June 5th.  This event was well attended by our new families.  Children were able to visit classrooms, while parents met with staff to hear information about the school and ask questions.  On June 17th we were fortunate to have the students visit us for most of the school day. By the smiles and positive comments from both current and future students, it appears that the transition is headed in a wonderful direction for the upcoming school year!

A Heartfelt Farewell
 As I approach my final days as Principal at Onondaga Road I find myself trying to take in every minute with my students, my families, and my staff wherever possible.  It is with a mix of sadness and excitement that I enjoy these final days.  Words do not seem sufficient to express my gratitude to the District not only for educating my own children, but also for allowing me to do the work I love for the past 29 years!   To the families, students and staff, you have each been a blessing to me in your own way.  And for that I will be forever indebted.  Best wishes as you continue your West Genny journey!

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks. Thanks again to all of you who have made this such a special place for me to work...

Just Example of our Amazing 5th grade Talent Show!

Talent Show Grand Finale!

Native American Presentation at Grade 4

The Hill Brothers Entertain and Teach us about No - Bullying

5th Grade Scientists


The 1st Annual EH/SR/OR Triathlon

Rain or Shine, It Is Always Fun at the PTA Family Picnic

Our Talented Orchestra Teachers Perform for Third Graders

My Favorite Activity of All- Flag Day!

The WG Marching Band is a Vital Part of Our Celebration
Special Guests Help Us Celebrate

I Love Those Student Letters to Our Military Men and Women-
Thank You Students!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can It Really Be Mid-May Already?

 I am not sure why I never get used to how fast the year progresses, but after this past week’s Spring Open House, it really hit me.  Our teachers and students did a phenomenal job once again showcasing their projects and all the learning that has been taking place in this “Year of Great Change”.  Thanks to our families for taking the time to celebrate this learning with their children.  Also thanks to our many volunteers whom we recognized just before the Open House with a song and video tribute performed by our students.  We just could not do all we do without our volunteers!  Here are some highlights from our Volunteer Recognition/Spring Open House...

School Spirit Song for our Volunteers!

Followed by a Video Tribute!

Beautiful Artwork!

Informative Projects

Math Displays

Proud Parents Perusing Projects

Library Research Projects

Reminder - Half-Day Friday May 17th
Student dismissal will begin at 11:20 on this Friday, May 17th due to a Teacher’s Workshop in the afternoon.   That morning we will conduct special activities with our students on the topic of anti-bullying. The specific focus will be on the importance of being an "upstander" (ally) rather than a “bystander” when witnessing bullying behavior.  Check out our banner, It Starts With One, Be That One!!” in our lobby.

Our activities on Friday will include a read-aloud, song performance by one of our parents, and classroom discussions to reinforce this theme.  Our fifth grade Anti-Bullying Student Council representatives will also visit our K-2 classes to discuss specific scenarios they wrote about times in school when students might be called to be an upstander (or ally) rather than a bystander.  We ask that parents follow up at home after this event to promote further discussion with your children on this important topic.

·  To Town Supervisor, Mary Anne Coogan for reading to our school on the topic of Citizenship this past month.  

·   To the families who contributed to the recent SPCA Drive.  They were thrilled to receive such generous donations for the animals in their care!  

FYIs and Reminder on Upcoming Events
·  The Camillus Optimists will be holding their annual Bike Rodeo at the Camillus Municipal Building Parking Lot from 10:30a.m. -12:30 p.m. on Saturday May 18th.  This free event is a great way to promote Bike Safety! If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, call Chris Jones at 484-0111.
·   Onondaga Road Spring Spirit Wear orders are in! Please pick your items up in the school lobby from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21st. If you would like the order sent home with your child or have any questions, call Lisa Mondello @ 487-7781.
·   Our 4th/5th grade concert (orchestra, band and chorus) will perform in the WGHS Auditorium on May 20th at 7:00.  Also our 5th graders are busy preparing for their upcoming Talent Show to be performed on stage in the WGMS Cafeteria on Friday May 31 at 6:30 pm.  These are events not to be missed- hope you can make it!
·   Last but certainly not least- Please don’t forget to VOTE on May 21st anytime from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm in the WGHS Auditorium Lobby.

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful month!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April Greetings from Onondaga Road!

I realize there has been a good deal of info in the news about NYS Testing.  Well, I am pleased to report that our students are handling these testing days well.  Teachers are providing a relaxed atmosphere where students can perform to their optimum personal levels.  I am proud of our teachers’ instruction throughout the school year and our students’ eagerness to learn.  Thank you as well for your help at home and for helping your child feel confident and ready to put forth his/her best effort.

3rd graders sing to a packed crowd at their recent concert.

And…lest you think it’s all about testing these days, let me assure you that fun and learning are rocking at O Road as well!  I have highlighted several activities in this blog– such as the African Dance and Drum Troupe, Applebee’s 5th Grade Breakfast Fundraiser, 3rd Grade Chorus Concert, the Kindergarten / 5th grade R2D2 Assembly, and last but certainly not least, the recent Earth Day Spring Clean-up.
Applebee's Grade 5 Breakfast Fundraiser
Can't get enough of that bacon!
Budget Vote
This May 21st, you will be asked to vote on the West Genesee Central School District Budget for 2013-2014.  You have an opportunity to learn more about the proposed budget by attending an informative presentation by Dr. Brown for Onondaga Road parents on Tuesday, April 23rd at 7:00 in the Large Group Instruction Room at West Genesee High School.  I urge you to attend this meeting, so you may ask questions and gain insight into the budgeting decisions being made to benefit your children.
Also, I would like to take this opportunity to remind our room parents that you will be given names of a few families to call to remind them to vote. Thank you for your willingness to complete this brief task.  You will be receiving more information soon.
5th graders (Mike Miccio, Katie Panek,
Elizabeth Purcell, and Lucas Traver)
 present their SPCA Powerpoint
to the school.
 Colonial Days
You may have heard that we will not be holding the District-wide 4th Grade Colonial Days this year.  Our teachers are in the process of planning an in-school event for this school year to replicate some of the activities.  In addition, I am pleased to announce that we have added a new field trip for our 4th graders to visit Fort Stanwix in Rome, NY in early June.

New Principal Announced
Jeanette Clark, current principal at Smith Road Elementary School in North Syracuse has been approved by the Board of Education for the position of Principal at Onondaga Road to begin in July of 2013.  I will be meeting and speaking with her over the next few months to help make this transition a smooth one.  Also, I will let you know when there is an opportunity for you to welcome Principal Clark before the end of the school year!
And now, enjoy some additional photo highlights from the past month at Onondga Road!

Always room for another cup of coffee
at Applebee's.

The Barnellos enjoy being waited on by students.

Third Graders reach out in song!

Accompanied by percussion instruments called, "boomwhackers"

The African Dance and Drum Troupe

Students join the fun!

Teachers got into the act as well!

Mrs. Hudson's Kindergartners sing to the school on the topic
of "Citizenship".

Thanks to Mrs. Wells for organizing an
Earth Day Spring Clean-up at Onondaga Road!

Showing good citizenship

Thanks to all the families who joined the clean-up efforts-
Great turn-out!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Marching Along!!!

Daylight Savings Time
I don’t know about you, but I am loving the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day. My body clock is still adjusting however to the shifting of the hour.  We notice this in our students as well, but I am happy to report that as of today they seem to be adjusting to the point where their energy for the day is up and running!

A Couple of Items for Info
  • If you know of anyone who did not get to register his/her kindergartner, please tell them we are still “open for business” between 9:30 and 2:30 each school day.  If they need information on what to bring, they should still call the office at 487-4653.
  • Just a reminder that the 5th grade class will be serving breakfast at Applebee’s on Sunday March 24 from 8:00-10:00 a.m. to raise money for their end-of-the-year activities.  Tickets are $5.00 each if purchased ahead and $6.00 at the door.
  • Thanks to the “many hands” that made the recent Team Marissa event a success this past Sunday. Approximately 375 people attended.  What a wonderful community we have at West Genesee!
  • Did you know that the PTA School Store is still open to students on a few Fridays per month when the Art Room is available?  On these days students are allowed to visit the “store” after they finish their lunches to purchases fun pencils, erasers and other items.  Items are priced quite low so a dollar or two is plenty to send with your child if you choose to have them go. The next date for the store is Friday, March 22. 
New York State Testing
The ELA’s and Math Tests will be administered in April as follows:
-NYS English Language Arts Assessment: Tuesday through Thursday April 16-18 and the
-NYS Math Assessment: Wednesday through Friday April 24-26
Children have worked hard with their teachers throughout the year to master the concepts and skills that will be assessed.  One of the most important ways to help your child prepare is to ensure an extra good night’s rest, a healthy breakfast and positive words of confidence as you send him/her to school for these tasks.  Also, please avoid appointments or any other  events that would cause your child to be absent on these days.

Here’s What’s Been Happening at School…
As promised here are some more pictures of the many events and learning opportunities our students have enjoyed over the past month or so.  Looking forward to many more to come!

Enrichment Day!
Wood Working

Bag Making

Sports Card Collecting

Pillow Making

Fun in the Gym


Irish Step Dancing

School Events this Past Month

First Graders present on the topic of
Patience and Acceptance

Fourth Grade Teachers enlighten parents
about the "New Math"

Mr. Fuller reads to the school on the topic of
Honesty and Trust

First Grade Students perform a Reader's Theater
selection for classmates

Team Marissa Community Event

Caitlin Barry

Erin Byrnes

Dance Mania!

Musical Chairs