Friday, September 24, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road School!

It’s hard to believe we’ve finished our third week of school already, and there’s a feeling of fall in the air!  Our children are working into their daily routines and building stamina to give their best efforts throughout the school days.

The Positivity Project - #PositivityInAction
Through the Positivity Project (P2), each week our students will learn about a different character strength, or trait.  Throughout the year, as they learn about the traits, children will learn to identify their own strengths.  Just as importantly, they learn the strengths of their classmates and peers which allows them to understand how their strengths can support one another.  For example, this past week we learned about the strength of teamwork.  Students participated in lessons about how to work well in a group or team and how to encourage others.  Next week we will learn what it means to be open-minded and to try new things.  

To help extend the learning from the classroom to your home, we encourage you to try these conversation starters.  Here are some links for you to explore:   PreK-2 | 3-5
The password is P2.

Promise Zone:  Here to Help Students
Last year our county officials made an investment in our students by offering help in our schools and to support students as we transition back to school for this new school year.  West Genesee is fortunate to have specialists from Promise Zone joining us at each of our elementary schools.

Promise Zone's vision is "to increase the capacity and efficacy of service delivery to all students to ensure social, emotional, and academic achievement."  We look forward to working with Promise Zone to help all of our students.  You may hear your child talk about participating in groups or games or various activities to help them with transitions, build positive relationships, and gain self-confidence as we work through the school year!

Arrival & Dismissal
Thank you for your patience as we have worked out our dismissal process.  Between 3:10-3:15 we will dismiss all “walkers” through the front door.  Between 3:15-3:20 we will load and dismiss the buses.  As soon as the buses leave, between 3:20-3:25, we have cars pulling into the bus loop and to pick up students using the number tag system.  Please call if you have any questions, and I thank you for waiting safely, especially while we load the buses!

Bus Bucks
Please ask your child how they might earn Bus Bucks as they ride the bus to and from school.  This is our positive behavior incentive program for the bus, and it helps students to remember to be respectful, responsible and safe.  I would like to extend a special thanks to our drivers who work so hard to keep our students safe each and every day!

Looking Ahead

School Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, October 8.  We will be working with a new photography company this year called Upstate Images. Be on the lookout for an information flyer coming home soon from our PTA.

Enjoy the first weekend of fall!  Looks like a nice weekend for apple picking!

Jeannette Clark

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road

 Welcome Back, and Thank You!

It’s been a great first week back to school!  I think we’re all a  bit tired as we get back into the full swing of things, and we need to build up our stamina!  I want to thank you for all of your support and patience as we finish up the first week, and we are looking forward to beginning fresh again on Monday!

Please join me in welcoming Bridget McGlynn, our school psychologist.  Dr. McGlynn is an integral member of our OR school community, and you can click here to get to know her a little better! Feel free to call us with any questions.

Let’s celebrate the end of our first week back to school with a BLUE and GOLD SPIRIT DAY!  Students, wear blue and gold to school tomorrow (Friday)!