Thursday, November 19, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!


Parent Conferences

Please remember that Monday and Tuesday of next week are half-days for elementary students K-4. Bus dismissal is at 11:00-11:15, and parent pick-up is 11:15-11:30.  All conferences are being held via Zoom.




Remote Student Supply Pick-up

All Onondaga Road remote grades 2, 3, 4 students should pick up their new learning materials and music kits at Onondaga Road main office on Monday, November 23 between 12:00 and 3:00.
Any remote kindergarten and grade 1 students who did not get their music kits on picture day are welcome to pick them up at that time as well.   


Report Cards

As a reminder, we are no longer distributing paper report cards to all families. Electronic report cards will be available via SchoolTool beginning Saturday, December 12.  Click here to access the viewing instructions. Here is a short video that also explains how to access the report cards online. If you need to update your email or phone number in SchoolTool, please click this link. If you need a hard copy of your child's report card mailed to your home, after December 12, please contact our school office at 315-487-4653.


All West Genesee Schools are closed Wednesday through Friday, November 25-27.  Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!  

Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

 Update about School Photos

School picture make-up day is Tuesday, November 17.  Please be sure your child brings the first package back if they are getting a retake.
Remote students who would like to have their pictures taken should plan on coming at the times listed below.  Be sure to park in the parking lot and have students enter through the back door closest to the gym and playground.  Parents are being asked to kindly wait outside.  Times are as follows:
Between 10:30-11:30 - Last names beginning with A through J
Between 11:30-12:30 - Last names beginning with K through R
Between 12:30-1:30 - Last names beginning with S through Z


Health and Safety

Here is a link to a note that was distributed by our district nurses.  It includes links to an update about  “What to Know When Your Child is Ill” and to local and out-of-state travel advisories.  

In other health and safety news, I am reminding you to please send your child to school each day with a purple home health screening sheet, after having monitored your child’s health at home.  Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding as we take care of one another. 


Connecting School to Home

Here are several opportunities in the next few days to keep the communication between home and school alive!

  • Tuesday, 11/17, 6:30-7:00 - Onondaga Road PTA Meeting - Click here for the Zoom link, and here are passcodes if you need them: 
    Meeting ID: 862 743 5076 and Passcode: ordpta

  • Also Tuesday, 11/17, 7:00-8:00 - Talk with Superintendent David Bills - Here is a link to the information about how to attend and participate. 

  • Wednesday, 11/18, 7:00 - Board of Education Meeting at WGHS, or stream live from this BOE link on the district website.  

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences - Ongoing between now and Thanksgiving break.  Be sure to contact your child’s teacher if you have yet to respond to a conference request. 


Positivity Project

Next week we will learn about the power of gratitude.  Having or showing gratitude means you are aware of and thankful for good things that happen; it's the quality of feeling and expressing thankfulness and appreciation. 


Instructional Setting Changes    

You should have received a letter from the elementary principals regarding requests for changes to your childrens' instructional setting. The deadline for such requests is November 17, and your request must be in writing. 


Remote Students Materials Pick-up
As a reminder, pick-up of supplies for grades 2, 3, and 4 is on Monday, November 23 from 12:00-3:00 at Onondaga Road.   Please come to the main door and someone will bring your supplies to you.


For Your Planning
When making your child care arrangements, remember that Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 are half-days for elementary students grades K-4 due to parent-teacher conferences.  Dismissal is at 11:15 both days.  There is no school November 25-27 for Thanksgiving break. 


Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Veterans’ Wall of Fame

I would  like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of our Veterans and current service members for your dedication and service.  Each year at Veterans’ Day, our students and staff proudly post the names of family service members, past and present, on red, white, and blue stars to be honored and recognized on our Veterans’ Wall of Fame.  It is humbling, to say the least.  Thank you to our Veterans, to their families, and to Mrs. Schulz’s fourth grade for helping to organize this special display. 

Veterans’ Day

Schools are closed on Wednesday, November 11, in recognition of our Veterans. 

School Photos

School picture make-up day is Tuesday, Novemer 17.  Please be sure your child brings the first package back if they are getting a retake. Remote students who would like to have their pictures taken should plan on coming between 10:30-1:30, according to the schedule you received. 

Instructional Setting Changes    

Please be on the lookout for a letter from the elementary school principals regarding requests for changes to your childrens' instructional setting.


Remote Students

As a reminder, pick-up of supplies for grades 2, 3, and 4 is on Monday, November 23 from 12:00-3:00 at Onondaga Road. 


Positivity Project

Next week we will learn about bravery as a character strength.  Isn’t it fitting that this trait is highlighted the week of Veterans’ Day?


District Newsletter
Take a look at the West Genesee District e-Newsletter for up to date information about potential school closings and notifications.  I know this great weather is too good to be true for now, but that Central NY snow is inevitable!


Enjoy the sunshine-filled fall days!

Sincerely, Jeannette Clark