Friday, October 24, 2014

Halloween Parade


Onondaga Road School Halloween Parade!
Friday, October 31, 2:00 p.m

 We will run our normal, daily school schedule until 1:30.  Our parade will begin at 2:00 on Halloween Day. Please follow these important guidelines to make the day a safe and happy one for all of our children. 

  • Please send your child’s costume to school in a bag.  Do not send your child to school in costume or wearing make-up. All scary, violent, bloody masks, weapons, spears or other dangerous accessories are not appropriate for school and must remain at home. Our youngest students can be frightened easily, and we want them to have a positive experience.

  • Spectators for the parade will stand in the bus loop in front of the school. We will block that area from traffic.   Please do not stand on the sidewalk in front of the building, because the students will be parading the entire length of the sidewalk.  
  • Halloween parties will be held in the classrooms after the parade. Only adults who are already designated helpers will be permitted into the classrooms during the parties, and those helpers must sign in at the main office and wear a visible visitor’s badge. Helpers are asked not to bring younger children. All treats should have a label so that they can be checked, as we have many students with allergies. 
  • If you are a helper or plan dress up to attend the parade, please avoid wearing masks. Naturally, we must be able to recognize everyone who is interacting with our children. 
  • Please encourage your child to ride the bus home. Minimizing the car traffic at the end of the day will help us get the children to their buses safely. Children will not wear their costumes on the buses but will have plenty of time and assistance to remove their costumes before dismissal. We will follow normal dismissal procedures. 
  • As always, if you must pick up your child due to other appointments at any time, please be sure to sign him or her out in the main office.

Thank you, 

Jeannette Clark


Friday, October 17, 2014

A Few Onondaga Road Updates....

Spirit Wear
West Genesee Spirit Wear Online Store Special: FREE SHIPPING to Onondaga Road for orders placed between October 9 – 27, 2014. T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, jackets, bags, umbrellas, window paws, hats, water bottles, & more! Go to and use a credit card for easy ordering!

Math Info Night
Thank you for coming to our Math & RTI Information Night!   If you have any questions regarding either topic, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, our IS staff, or Mrs. Clark for more information. Click on the link below for our Math Instructional Videos for Parents:

Fire Safety
Our kindergarten friends participated in fire safety and awareness lessons.  The firefighters were here when we had a fire drill, so they watched us in action and commented on our best behavior and rule-following during the drill.

Book Fair & Reading Night
Our annual book fair will be held in school next week, October 20-23.  The book fair is open to all families the evening of Thursday, October 23 as part of our Reading Night.  Reading Night is Thursday,  5:30-7:00.  We’ll begin with a performance in the gym by Moreland the Magician (5:30-6:15), then tour the building with a reading passport to great adventures (6:15-7:00).

Half-day Dismissal Next Friday
Students will be dismissed at 11:30 on Friday, October 24.  Please plan accordingly for dismissal and childcare!  Teachers will take part in a variety of professional development opportunities for the afternoon.

Detailed information about the parade and parties will be coming soon.  Remember when creating costumes that our Halloween celebrations include all ages, so no scary, bloody costumes or weapons, please!

A Look Ahead:  Fairmount Community Library
Syracuse Silver Knights Professional Indoor Soccer Team  MEET AND GREET at the Fairmount Community Library is Monday, November 10 at 5:00 p.m. Some of the players will visit, read and sign autographs. The Library is hosting a special library night at the Home Opener game November 21 at 7:30 p.m. …Stop in the library to pick up a special discounted ticket order form.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dismissal Reminder: For the Safety of All!

Hello, OR Families –
Please take a few minutes to review our dismissal safety procedures.  Thank you for your support and or following these procedures to keep our children safe in school. 
Parents picking up students must enter through the main front doors.  Please do not follow classes in the back entrance from the playground. Parents are asked to arrive at school no earlier than 3:00 to begin signing students out at the Main Office.  Come in the main doors, come to the Main Office counter, and sign your child out using the “Sign Out” list provided.  Once you have signed your child out, please wait only in the main lobby near the front doors, and do not wander down the hallways or to the classrooms.
All classes are in full session until 3:10 p.m.  At 3:10, students and teachers are getting back to their own classrooms and are busily preparing for dismissal.
Children being picked up will be dismissed from their classrooms at 3:17.  At that time, students come to the main lobby to meet up with the person who has signed them out.  Please depart promptly at that time to alleviate congestion by the main door.  Help us to keep your children safe by clearing the main entrance so that students being dismissed to the buses are not walking through and among the adults in the main doorway.
At 3:20 our bus dismissal bell rings. All bus riders are then escorted by their teachers to the main door and out to the buses.  All of our buses leave school no later than 3:30.
Finally, all visitors at any other time during the school day must stop at the Main Office and sign in for a Visitor’s Badge.
Once again, thank you for your help while we take all precautions to keep your children safe at school.  Please call me if you have any questions.
Jeannette Clark
OR Principal