New Year!
Welcome back to Onondaga Road as we begin the year
2017. On behalf of our staff and students, I would like to extend heartfelt
thanks and gratitude for the many varied gifts, food, clothing, and monetary
donations that you all contributed to help make the holidays brighter for so
many friends and families in our community.
Your generosity is truly overwhelming and very much appreciated. We are very fortunate to live in this caring
community, so thank you once again.
The beginning of a new year is a great time to revisit some routines
and procedures that we have established to keep everyone safe and happy. Please make it a point to discuss these topics
with your children and family:
🗹 School Bus Safety – We have a responsibility to get
your children to and from school safely every day. You can imagine how this can become
increasingly difficult during times of inclement weather. Each child also has responsibilities to
behave and be safe on the bus. Take time
to talk to your child about his/her responsibilities of staying in assigned
seats until they reach their stop, speaking in a respectful voice using
respectful language, and keeping their hands and feet to themselves. Expect them to follow safety rules on the
bus. I have frequent conversations with
students, parents and bus drivers regarding bus safety. These are ongoing teachable moments, and we
should communicate our expectations to our children consistently. Thank you for your continued support from
🗹 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures – The school day
begins at 9:00. There is limited
supervision out front until that time, so students should not be dropped off
earlier. Students arriving after 9:10
a.m. are considered tardy and will need to be signed into school by a
parent. Dismissal time is 3:15 p.m. for
walkers (students being picked up) and 3:20 p.m. for buses. Remember to sign students out at the main
office if you are picking them up, but please wait until their 3:15 dismissal
as opposed to having students called from class. If you know ahead of time that you will be
picking your child up on any given day, please send a note with your child. Finally, be cognizant of parking lot safety;
refrain from parking in “no parking” zones, do not block the cars on Onondaga
Road that are trying to enter the school lot, and do not pass school buses with
flashing red lights in the bus loop. It
really does take effort from all of us to keep our children safe!
🗹 Guests Visiting Our School – If you are a guest
reader or volunteer in the building at any time, you must enter the school
through the main door entrance. Please
stop at the main office to sign in as a visitor, and wear a visible visitor’s
badge during your stay.
Here’s what’s
happening this month:
- Monday, January 9 – Monthly R2D2 Assembly
- Wednesday, January 11 – OR PTA meeting takes place at 6:30 at WGHS. Dialogue
with the Superintendent follows at 7:00.
- Thursday, January 12 – CODE Assemblies
- Monday, January 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (School is closed.)
- Wednesday, January 18 – Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 at WGH
- Thursday, January 19 – Bingo and Ice Cream Social, 6:00-7:30 at OR (Details
coming soon!)
- Friday, January 27 – School Store
- Monday, January 30 – Staff Development Day (No school for students.)