I can hardly believe that March will be blowing in this weekend! Where has the time gone? Our kids are finishing up the second of three trimester marking periods, and report cards will be distributed at the end of this month. It's a good time to talk with your child about his/her perception of how the school year is going, and set goals for the upcoming months.
Next week, our Positivity Project reminds us that #otherpeoplematter, and our mindset is to practice cheering others' success. It can sometimes seem disappointing for children to know that maybe they are not the winner at any given time, say of a "Bus Buck" or a "Golden Spatula" award. It's times like these, when someone else is the winner, to practice the art of cheering others' success. Having and expressing pride and genuine joy for someone else shows strong character and demonstrates compassion for others. Congratulating someone else goes a long way!
There are lots of things happening at OR this month. Be sure to mark your calendar...
- Friday, 3/6 - School Spirit Day - Wear blue & gold!
- Tuesday, 3/10 - PTA Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, 3/11 - Half day for students, 11:20 dismissal
- Thursday, 3/12 - Bus Safety Drills
- Monday, 3/16 - Bagpipes & Irish Dancers visit OR
- Thursday, 3/19 - Grades 3, 4, 5 Science Fair, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, 3/26 - Grade 3 Chorus Concert, 7:00 p.m.
- Sunday, 3/29 - Grade 5 Flapjack Breakfast Fundraiser at Applebee's
- Monday, 3/30 and Tuesday, 3/31 - Grades 3, 4, 5 NYS ELA Assessments
Have a great weekend!