Health Reminders
It really does take a village to take care of one another! Please remember and follow these few guidelines:
Check your child’s temperature daily, and send the purple-colored health screening sheet to school every day.
Children should wear a clean mask each day.
Keep your child home if they are experiencing any of these symptoms:
runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, loss of taste or smell, muscle pain or body aches, temperature of 100'F or more, chills, fatigue, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, headache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
Be sure your child is symptom free and has a negative COVID test prior to returning to school.
Wash your hands A LOT!
Have Caring a Heart for Valentine’s Day Fun
For consistency and safety’s sake, if your child’s class is having a mini Valentine’s Day celebration on February 12 and exchanging Valentines or pre-packaged treats, please plan to send your goods, including Valentines, to school a week ahead of time (so, by Friday, February 5). Thank you again for your attention to children’s safety as we continue to act responsibly for one another’s health during a pandemic.
Cold Weather Outdoor Play
Not only is it a healthy practice to get outdoors every day, but the children love it! Please be sure your child has weather-appropriate clothing (coat, snow pants, hat, mittens, boots), and please label your child’s belongings. Lots of kids have the same or look-alike outerwear!
If you would like to order a 2020-21 yearbook, there is still time! Simply click this link to the LifeTouch ordering page, and use our school code 11989221.
Next week we will refocus on having an “other people matter” mindset. You can help by talking to your child about how they can support people in times of need and show that they care. Ask your child how they helped someone else today. Ask how it made them feel when they helped support someone else!
Remote PTA
Come one, come all! Please join us for our next PTA meeting by clicking this Zoom link on Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30.
Enjoy this great, snowy weekend, and get our kids outside to play!
Jeannette Clark