Thursday, January 28, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!


What a cold January finish!

Looking Ahead to February
Here are some dates to keep in mind:

  • February 3 - Half-day for students 

  • February 5 - Heart-Health Day - Wear red!

  • Week of February 8-12 - School Spirit Week!
    Watch for details in next week’s note.

  • February 9 - PTA Meeting at 6:30
    Here is the PTA Zoom Link.

  • February 12 - Valentine Celebrations

  • Week of February 15-19 - Winter Break
    Schools are closed.

Half-Day Dismissal Reminder
Students will be dismissed at 11:00-11:15 (buses) and 11:15-11:30 (parent pick-ups) on Wednesday, February 3.  This is a half-day for students, and professional development afternoon for staff.  Remember to plan accordingly for day care!

Positivity Project
Next week we will learn about integrity. People with integrity are honest and speak the truth. Help your child come up with ways that they can demonstrate integrity by being honest and trustworthy, and then hold them accountable!

Warm regards - 

Jeannette Clark

Friday, January 22, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

 Health Reminders It really does take a village to take care of one another!  Please remember and follow these few guidelines:

  • Check your child’s temperature daily, and send the purple-colored health screening sheet to school every day.

  • Children should wear a clean mask each day.

  • Keep your child home if they are experiencing any of these symptoms:
    runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, loss of taste or smell, muscle pain or body aches, temperature of 100'F or more, chills, fatigue, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, headache, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

  • Be sure your child is symptom free and has a negative COVID test prior to returning to school.

  • Wash your hands A LOT!

Have Caring a Heart for Valentine’s Day Fun
For consistency and safety’s sake, if your child’s class is having a mini Valentine’s Day celebration on February 12 and exchanging Valentines or pre-packaged treats, please plan to send your goods, including Valentines, to school a week ahead of time (so, by Friday, February 5).  Thank you again for your attention to children’s safety as we continue to act responsibly for  one another’s health during a pandemic. 

Cold Weather Outdoor Play
Not only is it a healthy practice to get outdoors every day, but the children love it!  Please be sure your child has weather-appropriate clothing (coat, snow pants, hat, mittens, boots), and please label your child’s belongings.  Lots of kids have the same or look-alike outerwear!

If you would like to order a 2020-21 yearbook, there is still time!  Simply click this link to the LifeTouch ordering page, and use our school code 11989221.

Next week we will refocus on having an “other people matter” mindset.  You can help by talking to your child about how they can support people in times of need and show that they care. Ask your child how they helped someone else today.  Ask how it made them feel when they helped support someone else!

Remote PTA
Come one, come all!  Please join us for our next PTA meeting by clicking this Zoom link on Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30.

Enjoy this great, snowy weekend, and get our kids outside to play!
Jeannette Clark

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

 Thank  You

Thanks to all who participated in our in-school COVID testing yesterday.  All of the rapid tests conducted were negative, so let’s persevere...keep wearing those masks and washing those hands.

Positivity Project

Next week we will continue investigating character strengths with a focus on perseverance.  People who persevere always finish what they start, and they never give up.

Kindergarten Registration for 2021-22 

Do you have a child who will begin Kindergarten in the fall?  Do you know of a neighbor who has a child ready to start Kindergarten?  If so, please know and let your neighbor know that it is time to register for Kindergarten!  Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year has begun, and you should register your child virtually by March 31, 2021. Click here to learn about our Virtual Registration process and schedule your remote meeting.   Please click here to find pertinent information regarding this process! 

Calendar Reminders

  • Monday, January 18 is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and schools are closed.

  • On Tuesday, January 19, there are two virtual PTA meetings that I hope you will attend.  Here is the link for our 6:30 Onondaga Road PTA meeting, and here is the registration link for the 7:00 District PTA/PTO talk with the Superintendent.

  • Wednesday, January 20 is Presidential Inauguration Day!  There is also a Board of Education meeting Wednesday night at 7:00.  

  • Looking a couple weeks ahead, be sure to plan accordingly for Wednesday, February 3, because it is a half-day for students and a half-day professional development for staff.  Student dismissal is at 11:15 on that day.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Greetings and Happy New Year from Onondaga Road.  Our first week back from the holiday break has been busy and productive.  Thank you for sending your child to school each day with a purple health screening sheet and with a mask!

COVID Testing for In-School Staff and Students
As was done in December, the Onondaga County Health Department is coming to West Genesee Schools to conduct asymptomatic rapid COVID testing for in-school volunteers.  This will take place here at Onondaga Road School on Wednesday, January 13.  If you would like to try to get your child on the list for that testing, please register here.  This registration link is from the county health department and will become inactive once all of the testing slots are full.  Note also that you may not register to be tested at any other school, only the one where your child attends in-person.

Talk with the Superintendent

Please join the West Genesee PTA/PTO District Council for a Talk with the Superintendent on January 19 starting at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. You will need to register in advance.

Speaking of PTA...We had originally scheduled a PTA meeting for January 13, but that has been changed.  In order to encourage you to join us for both the superintendent’s talk and our local Onondaga Road PTA meeting, both meetings are on the same night, and both meetings will be held remotely via Zoom.  Our OR PTA meeting will be at 6:30 on Tuesday, January 19th, and here is the Zoom link.  Immediately following, please join us at the talk with the superintendent (register at the link above) at 7:00.  

Yearbook Candids
Calling all remote families!  Now is your chance to be sure your children learning from home are included in some candid yearbook pictures!  Please take a few photos of your children while they are engaged in some remote school activities and email them to our “O Road Yearbook” coordinator at .  Thanks for your help!

School Spirit
The first school-day Friday of each month is school spirit day!  That means tomorrow, January 8, wear your blue and gold. 

Positivity Project
This week we learned more about being optimistic and hopeful and what it means to have optimism as a character strength. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”  I find that to be a good reflection during this time of uncertainty. Next week we will learn about prudence as a strength and the importance of setting goals and making wise choices.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Happy New Year, 2021!  I hope the new year brings health and happiness to you and your family!  Welcome back...

As anticipated, our in-school learning will resume tomorrow, Monday, January 4, 2021, for our in-school learners.  Please remember to send your child to school with all of the instructional materials they had taken home with them prior to break (Chromebook & charger, math book, ELA workbook, reader, etc). 

If, however, your child is ill or displaying any illness symptoms, has tested positive for Covid-19, or is in quarantine, please be sure to keep your child home and contact our school nurse at 315-487-4653.

As a reminder, we have a materials pick-up scheduled for our remote learners on Tuesday, January 5, at 3:00-4:00 p.m.  At this time, you will receive the materials needed for the remainder of this marking period.  

Again, a happy, healthy new year to all!

Jeannette Clark