Thursday, December 23, 2021

Happy Holidays from OR

Season's Greetings!

Many thanks to our Onondaga Road School community for all you have done to support one another through 2021!  May 2022 bring health and happiness to you and yours!  I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and make time for your family and friends.  We will see you on Monday, January 3, 2022.

Upon return we will be learning more about optimism as a positive character trait.

Kindergarten Registration for 2022-23 School Year
Kindergarten Registration opened virtually on December 1, 2021, and will go until March 31, 2022. Please click here to start the 
Virtual Registration process
When registering, parents should be prepared to upload the following:
proof of residency (ie. mortgage or property statement or signed lease agreement)
proof of immunizations
proof of age

A physical examination is also required and a dental certificate is requested for entry into Kindergarten. These examinations should be done up to one year prior to the first day of school. Children who enter Kindergarten in the fall must be five years of age on or before December 1, 2022.

To access the most updated health requirements click here.

See you in 2022!
Jeannette Clark

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Package Pick-up Note from PTA

 Greetings from Onondaga Road School! 

This note is from our PTA to let you know that our Gertrude Hawk orders have arrived.  We will be hosting a pick-up time this Friday, December 10, 2021 at 3:30-5:30 p.m.  As you can see, there are lots of boxes! We will sort through the packages and be waiting for you at the back door closest to the playground parking lot.  On Friday, please allow time for us to finish our dismissal process safely, and then, once all students have been dismissed, you can come in between 3:30 and 5:30 for your goodies.  Be sure to come to the back door closest to the school playground and someone will open the door for you.   

Monday, December 6, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

 Here are just a couple updates as we get this school week under way.

Our new dismissal procedure went quite well today, so thank you for your support.  Just as a reminder, or in case you didn't know, we will be dismissing walkers and students being picked up first, at 3:10, then we'll do our bus dismissal immediately after that.  If you arrive before  3:10, you are welcome to pull into the bus loop (even) or side lot (odd) rather than wait in the road.  At 3:20, we will stop the cars to allow the buses into the bus loop.  Today, most of our cars were actually finished before 3:20, which was great!  Thank you again, and please give us a call if you have any questions.

Grades 3 & 4 Concert
Finally, after two long years, we will have our first OR concert Tuesday evening, December 7, at 7:00 in the high school auditorium!  Our children are so excited to perform for you, and it's a very big deal for them to be in the auditorium.  Here are a few hints to help all of you, first-time concert parents!

  • Students need to be at the high school at 6:45.  Enter through the fine arts door, closest to the Applebee's side of the building, then we will direct 3rd graders to the orchestra room and 4th graders to the chorus room.  
  • 3rd graders will keep their coats with them when they go to the orchestra room at 6:45, and parents of 3rd graders will go and be seated in the auditorium.  The 3rd grade chorus will perform first, and then they will return to the orchestra room when they finish performing.  We will bring the 3rd grade children with their coats out to you in the auditorium after the 4th graders finish performing.
  • 4th grade parents, you will drop your child off at the chorus room at 6:45, and you will keep your child's coat with you when you go to be seated in the auditorium.  After the 4th graders perform, we will dismiss them from the risers to you, parents, in the auditorium.
  • All guests, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask the entire duration of your stay in the school.
  • Have FUN!

This week our children are focusing on the Other People Matter Mindset by learning how our words and actions affect others.  Speaking of which, I must extend a HUGE thank you for the food and gift contributions you all have made.  These actions surely affect people positively!

Enjoy the week!
Sincerely, Jeannette Clark