Friday, August 19, 2022

Greetings from OR!

Welcome to Onondaga Road! 2022-2023

We are looking forward to getting to know each child personally, supporting them as they grow, and creating positive experiences throughout the 2022-23 school year!  Here are a few school updates to help get us started!  

Check Your Mailbox!
We mailed an information-packed envelope to your house, so you should receive it this weekend, or by Monday!  The note that your child will be most excited to see is the one that tells them their new teachers’ names, and then they can start connecting with classmates.  Please take time to read each enclosed document carefully, and be sure to contact us if you need a car tag or if you have questions after reading all of the information.

Kindergarten Orientation
This is scheduled for Monday morning, August 29, 2022, 9:00-10:30 at Onondaga Road School. An invitation with an agenda is included in the packet you will receive in the mail!

Students Newly Enrolled at OR
Welcome to West Genesee if you are new to the district!  New Student Orientation for Onondaga Road School is scheduled for the afternoon of Monday, August 29, 2022, 1:00-2:00. 
An invitation for new families iis included in the packet you will receive in the mail!

Curriculum/Title 1 Night
Parents will have an opportunity to meet the teachers and get to know all about the new school year at our Curriculum/Title 1 Night on Thursday, September 8, 2022.  This is an evening for parents, so be sure to book your babysitter!  Parents of children in grades 3-4 will attend at 6:00-6:45, and parents of children in grades K, 1, 2 will attend at 6:45-7:30.  We will send a letter home with your child on the first day of school as a reminder!

A Note from Our Transportation Department
Transportation has completed the bus routes for Onondaga Road and wants to remind you that if you have NOT sent in a daycare form already,  it must be submitted ASAP to ensure your child is being bussed to and from the correct location. All bus routes will be available on Tuesday, August 23 for you to view, via ParentVUE. If you notice any errors regarding your child’s information, we encourage you to call Transportation directly at 315-487-4576. If you missed the survey and do NOT need a bus we also encourage you to contact Transportation directly. Finally, will be conducting Emergency Bus Evacuation Drills at Onondaga Road School on Monday, September 12, upon morning arrival.

West Genesee’s New Student Management System Information

ParentVue Image
The student management system (SMS) transition to Synergy is underway and families are starting to login to use the system. West Genesee is asking families to update information (phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, call order, custody, digital equity survey, etc) within SynergyParentVue is now activated within Synergy, and it is important that ALL families activate a ParentVue account as soon as possible, if you have not yet done so. Your ParentVUE account will give you access to student schedules, attendance, busing information, and much more. Accounts must be activated prior to logging into the app.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  In the meantime, keep enjoying this beautiful summer.  See you all soon!


Jeannette Clark