Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Fall from Onondaga Road!

Hopefully by now you have had a chance to read our newsletter for October.  It is packed with information that will help your child thrive here at "O Road" this month!

Thanks for your attendance at our September Open House.  I am hoping you found it informative and helpful.  Shortly after Open House we were treated to not one- but TWO assemblies for our students.  The first one, sponsored by PTA, focused on fun ways to stay fit.  The second assembly was co-sponsored by PTA and the District and dealt with the important issue of bullying.  You can see from this picture that the topic was presented through an interesting and engaging multi-media presentation.  

Thanks to our PTA and to our District for your continued support in bringing these educational shows to our students!

Two important meetings are coming up next week:
1.    Our PTA meeting is on Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30 in the Library.   
        We encourage current and new participants to join us!
2.   On Friday October 14 at 10:15 to 11:00, I will be meeting with volunteers who will work in our school this year.  The purpose of the meeting is to welcome you and inform you of procedures we follow to help make your volunteer experience productive and enjoyable.  You should have received a letter home with a slip to return to let me know if you can make this meeting. If you did not receive it, please let me know.  If you are unable to attend this orientation meeting, I will make other arrangements to meet and provide you with the information.

Enjoy the next few days – it looks like we will be teased with a bit of summer again.  Personally, I will take whatever we can get before winter sets in!

D. Geiss- Principal
Onondaga Road Elementary School