Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Onondaga Road Arrival and Dismissal Safety Update

Due to the increasing number of students being dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon, here is a reminder and update about our procedures.  Our number one goal at Onondaga Road is safety.  The following procedures have been put in place by our Shared Decision Making Team with students’ safety in mind. Thank you for your support.

·         Students are allowed into the building at 9:00; there is no supervision for students until 9:00.  Please be aware of this and avoid dropping your child off earlier since we do not want students having to wait outside for too long with no supervision.
·         Only students eating breakfast in the cafeteria are allowed to enter at 8:50.
·         If you are walking/driving your child to school, we appreciate you waiting outside (or in your car) until 9:00 when the rest of the students enter.   
·         If you are dropping your child off later than 9:10, please escort him/her into the building and go directly to the nurse’s office to sign in for the day. 
·         If you need to speak to a teacher in the morning, please call or email ahead of time, or send a note so that the teacher can reach out to you at a convenient time. Our teachers need to be in their classrooms promptly at 9:00.

·         Beginning in January 2018, the main doors will open for student pickup at 3:10. This will be a significant change for some people, as we often have parents/guests arrive much earlier to wait in the hallway for dismissal.  You will no longer be permitted to wait inside the building before 3:10.  If you are here early, please understand you must wait (in your car or outdoors) until the main doors are opened at 3:10.
·         At 3:10, enter the building and go directly into the cafeteria where you will sign your child out using the clipboard/chart provided.  Several copies will be available to minimize wait time. 
·         Please send in a note or call or email the school ahead of time if you know you are picking up your child on any given day.  For safety’s sake we need to have this information in writing, and then we will also have your child ready to go with the “walkers.”
·         Students being picked up will be dismissed to the cafeteria and meet you there at 3:15.
·         Students riding the buses or going to the YMCA program will be dismissed at 3:20.

·     Thank you for parking in the designated parking spaces.  Please refrain from parking in neighboring lawns or non-designated spaces and leaving room for the buses to enter.

We appreciate your support with arrival and dismissal safety procedures.  Please contact us at school if you have questions or suggestions for added safety.  Thank you so much!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Thursday, 12/14 and Friday, 12/15 are half-days for students.  Dismissal is at 11:20 for walkers, and 11:30 for buses.  Please be sure to send a note if you are picking your child up.  The YMCA after school program is not held at Onondaga Road on half days, but is at Christ Community Church on Warners Road.

Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday and Friday afternoons.  If a conference was cancelled on Wednesday because of the snow day, please contact your child's teacher to reschedule.

Stay warm!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Onondaga Road December Update

Positively Our Kids

During the month of November, we learned about the Positivity Project Character Strengths of bravery, gratitude, and humility/modesty.  We are proud to introduce to you many students that excel in demonstrating some of these positive traits:

A person who demonstrates bravery is defined as someone who acts with mental, moral, or physical strength even when they know things are difficult or scary.

A person who demonstrates gratitude is aware and thankful of good things that happen.
Humility and Modesty

And a person who demonstrates humility/modesty does not seek the spotlight.  He or she lets their actions speak for themselves.

For the month of December we are learning about the character strengths of kindness and self-control.  Our OR families are demonstrating kindness by giving generously to others and helping out. We are enjoying, and learning from, doing good deeds for other people.  Thank you all for your gifts donations, and to our fifth graders for wrapping the gifts.  Thank you also for contributing canned goods for the Salvation Army local food drive.  This food drive is active until Friday, so feel free to send in any non-perishable canned or boxed food with your child.

Jump to It!
We were impressed last week by our Jump Rope Club’s display of their jumping talents at our annual jump rope assembly.  Check it out:

(click on the link below to see a video of the assembly)

Thank you to our generous PTA for purchasing a Positivity Project T-shirt for every student in the school!  We wear them to our assemblies, and everyone feels like a part of the OR TEAM!  In support of our PTA and the many functions provided to our students, we are holding a mini-fund raiser of Y-Ties Shoe Laces.  They come in many different colors and are still available through the 15th.  If you are here for parent conferences on the 14th and 15th and would like to purchase some Y-Ties, feel free to stop and see Mr. Lane in the gym.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
…are being held this week!  Remember that students are being dismissed at 11:30 on Thursday and Friday, the 14th and 15th.  Also remember that the before and after school YMCA program is not being held at OR on these half days.

More for Your Calendar:
  • Thurs, 12/14 – Half day dismissal at 11:30
  •  Friday, 12/15 – Half day dismissal at 11:30
  •  Wednesday, 12/10 – Board of Education meeting, 7:00 at WGHS
  •  Thursday, 12/21 – 4th & 5th grade concert, 7:00 at WGHS
  •  Friday, 12/22 – Holiday festivities in classrooms, and last day of school
  •  Schools are closed 12/25 through 1/1/18.  We resume on Tuesday, 1/2/18!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Standards-Based Grading and Reporting

West Genesee Elementary schools have changed how we grade and report student progress for this school year. The new Standards-based approach will give you more accurate, detailed information about your child’s performance in relation to State and District Standards. It will allow teachers to better meet the needs of individual students, and will give students a clearer picture of their strengths and areas in need of growth.

Our report cards are aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards. You will find:
  1. Category titles and descriptions reflecting the NYS Common Core Learning Standards.
  2. Grading keys reflecting student progress toward State and District Standards.
  3. Behaviors of the learner that reflect student skill necessary to be a successful learner (Behaviors that Support Learning).

Standards-Based Report Cards:
  1. Describe what a student should know and be able to do at an identified point in time.
  2. Reflect grade-level standards and expectations so families gain a clearer understanding of student progress.
  3. Provide consistent evaluations throughout the year based on individualized instruction information.

Academic Achievement Key:
Grading Guidelines
Meeting New York State and District Standards
Working toward New York State and District Standards
Not meeting New York State and District Standards
Standard not assessed at this time

Behaviors that Support Learning Key:
Consistently Meeting Expectations
Working Toward Expectations
Experiencing Difficulty with Expectations

Special Area teachers in art, music, library and physical education will also use this same C-W-D rating scale for reporting student progress.

Report cards will be sent home on Friday, December 8, and our Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, December 14 and Friday, December 15. Your child’s teacher will be the best source of information regarding any questions you have about the report card.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Giving Thanks at Onondaga Road

A Time for Giving Thanks

The spirit of holiday giving is upon us, and I am ever so grateful for the generosity of our school community.  At this time, our students are working on charitable projects to support local families and children.  Our primary students, grades K, 1, 2, are currently collecting new books and fun band-aids to be donated to the Golisano Children’s Hospital in the name of Griffin’s Guardians.  Our intermediate students, grades 3, 4, 5, are collecting items to fulfill the holiday dreams of local families, and fifth graders will help wrap all of the gifts that we gather.  Our Onondaga Road staff has provided Thanksgiving feasts for local families.  Thank you all, truly, for supporting our children, families, and community.  The act of giving helps our students and staff feel more connected to the greater community in an important, caring way.

We have been learning a lot about the character strength of “gratitude” through our Positivity Project:  “Gratitude is the quality of feeling and expressing thankfulness and appreciation. It is an affirmation that there is goodness in other people and the world, and that we have received that goodness.”

On Monday, November 20th, students from grades 3, 4, 5 were treated to an adventure to the  Carrier Dome to see the SU Women’s Basketball game.  The collaboration between Syracuse University and the schools was much appreciated, and a good time was had by all!  We look forward to keeping this tradition going in future years.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students recently competed in Onondaga Road's qualifying round of the annual Elks Free Throw Shooting competition. Congratulations to the following students pictured below who will be moving on to the next round:
Front Row: Niko Trajkovski, Jeremy Clifton, Austin Glowacki and Ariana Harvey. 
Back Row: EJ Ehman, Amyah Macknail, Tasneem Mahmoud, Alaina Dudzinski, Faustin O'Neill and Austin Glowacki. 

Calendar Dates
  • Schools are closed November 22-24.  Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Tuesday, November 28 – Grade 5 Jump Rope Assembly
  • Friday, December 1 – End of Marking First Marking Period
  • Friday, December 8 – Report Cards are Distributed
  • Friday, December 8 – Kindergarten Gingerbread Houses, 2:00
  • Thursday, December 14 and Friday, December 15 – Half-days for Students (Parent-Teacher Conferences)
  • Thursday, December 21 – Grades 4 & 5 Concert, 7:00 at WGHS

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  May your time with family and friends be memorable and safe. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Onondaga Road reminders

 Just A Reminder

  •  Tuesday, November 7th is a half-day of school.  Dismissal for “walkers” is at 11:20, and buses leave school at 11:30.  Be sure to send a note if your child’s dismissal routine will be different from other days.
  • The after school Y-Program is not held at Onondaga Road on half-days but is at Christ Community Church on Warners Road.
  • Friday, November 10th is Veteran’s Day, and schools are closed in honor of America’s veterans.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween with a Positivity Twist

OR staff show their positive super powers! #otherpeoplematter on Halloween, too!

Look at our Boo-tiful Pumpkins!

Onondaga Road students showed their "creative" character strength as each class decorated pumpkins.  Our creativity sure shines!

While creativity was the strength we learned through the Positivity Project last week, bravery is the focus this week. 


Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween at Onondaga Road

Halloween is coming soon!  

The children are ready to pick out their costumes, play tricks, and enjoy plenty of treats.  Please follow these important guidelines to make the Halloween school day, Tuesday, October 31, a safe and happy one for all of our children:
  • Please send your child’s costume to school in a bagDo not send your child to school in costume or wearing make-up. All scary, violent, bloody masks, weapons, spears or other dangerous accessories and costumes are not appropriate for school and must remain at home. Our youngest students can be frightened easily, and we want them to have a positive experience.

  • The parade will begin at 2:00.  Spectators for the parade will stand in the bus loop in front of the school. We will block that area from traffic.   Please do not stand on the sidewalk in front of the building, because the students will be parading the entire length of the sidewalk.

  • Halloween parties will be held in the classrooms after the parade. Due to health and safety concerns, only adults who are already designated helpers will be permitted into the classrooms during the parties, and those helpers must sign in at the main office and wear a visible visitor’s badge. Helpers are asked not to bring younger children. All treats should have a label so that they can be checked, as we have many students with allergies.

  • If you are a helper or plan to dress up to attend the parade, please avoid wearing masks. Adults are not permitted to wear full-faced masks.  Naturally, we must be able to recognize everyone who is interacting with our children.

  • Please encourage your child to ride the bus home. Minimizing the car traffic at the end of the day will help us get the children to their buses safely. Children will not wear their costumes on the buses but will have plenty of time and assistance to remove their costumes before dismissal. We will follow normal dismissal procedures.

  • As always, if you must pick up your child due to other appointments at any time, please be sure to send a note and sign him/her out in the main office.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

OR Updates

Any way you spell it, these kids are winners!

CONGRATULATIONS to our five students who will be representing Onondaga Road at the West Genesee Spelling Bee:  fourth graders, Grace Banish and Ethan Gage, and fifth graders Mya Gaffney, Jonathan Gage, and Emma Krigbaum. 

These fourth and fifth grade students took a written spelling test of 50 words and earned the top scores in our school.  They will go on to the oral Spelling Bee at Camillus Middle School on November 8th and participate with other fourth through eighth grade students from across the district.  We certainly wish them well, and they have already made us proud!
Mya Gaffney, Ethan Gage, Emma Krigbaum,
Jonathan Gage and Grace Banish

Reading Night Extravaganza!

Everyone is welcome to join our PTA sponsored Reading Night on Thursday, October 26, 6:00-7:30.  All students will start in the gym at 6:00 with a magician; come discover the magic of reading and stories!  After the magic, explore story-crafts in the art room, games in the cafeteria, and the Scholastic Book Fair in the library.  Please remember all students must be accompanied by an adult to participate and make the evening magical.

Halloween is Lurking!

Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year for children!  Let's make this Halloween celebration fun, safe, and memorable for all.  Our school parade will be held on Halloween Day, Tuesday, October 31, at 2:00.  Parents and guests are welcome to come see the parade!  All guests should remain outdoors and watch from the bus loop as the children parade across the front sidewalk and around the building (the entry roads will be blocked from traffic).  Please remember that our parade and parties include all of the children, and since our little ones can sometimes be frightened, scary and horror-related costumes are not for school.  Watch for the flyer coming home with your child, then follow the guidelines for a safe and fun school celebration.

Say Cheese!

School picture re-take day is on Wednesday, November 1.  If your child was absent from school on picture day in September, they will be photographed on picture re-take day.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fall Happenings at Onondaga Road

On behalf of our staff and our PTA, we would like to thank all of our volunteers that have made these events possible.   Here’s the fall scoop!

·       October 16-30
School Spirit Wear Sale – Watch for the flyer coming home about the various items available to show your school spirit!  Online ordering makes it easy, and you can pick up your goods when they are delivered to school (date to be determined).

·       October 24, 25, 26
The Scholastic Book Fair will be set up in the library.  Students will have the opportunity to browse or purchase during part of their library time.  Please remember that sales tax is not included in the cost of the items advertised, but tax will be added to the final price.  The Book Fair will also be open for our annual Reading Night!  

·       October 26
Reading Night extravaganza, 6:00-7:30! Mark your calendar…Reading Night starts promptly at 6:00 with a magician in the gym.  Following the magical stories, students are invited to partake in story related crafts in the art room and games in the cafeteria.  Additionally, families are welcome to visit the Scholastic Book Fair in the library.

·       October 31
Our Halloween Parade will be held at 2:00 with classroom parties immediately following.  Be on the lookout for detailed information coming home about Halloween and expectations for adults and children alike.  Let’s keep this kids’ celebration a safe and exciting time for all!

Positively Strong Characters
This week we are highlighting the character strengths of “teamwork and citizenship” through our continued work with the Positivity Project.  We are always amazed when students have those “ah-ha moments” and realize they are contributing to our school community by recognizing their strengths and helping others to celebrate theirs as well!  According to the definition provided by the Positivity Project: 

Teamwork is the ability and willingness to place overall group success as a higher priority than individual achievement. Citizenship is a willingness to work towards the common good as opposed to one’s own self-interest. Those with strengths in teamwork and citizenship often work to help all group members find success…

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Onondaga Road PTA News

PTA Meeting Reminder

Please join us Wednesday, October 11th at 6:30 pm

Onondaga Road Elementary School Library

Enjoy some cider and donuts and
 please bring any ideas, thoughts or opinions you may have.

There will NOT be babysitting available during this meeting!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Thought Exchange

Dear Onondaga Road School Community,

Every year, the West Genesee Strategic Planning Team asks all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, and the community at-large) to provide feedback on areas of strength and areas for potential growth.  This year, Dr. Brown has partnered with Thought Exchange - a web-based organization that will help us reach more of the community to maximize your direct input.

Using the email you have shared with us already for SchoolTool, you will be given a link to take part in the first stage of this survey, the Share Stage. You can tell us what we are doing well and what can we improve. This step will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes. A few weeks after that, you will be asked to take part in the Star Stage where you will see others’ responses.  You have the opportunity to “rate” the comments that resonate with you. The final stage, Discover, is where you will have a chance to see what concepts are most important to all participants.

Please know that your submissions are confidential, but not anonymous to Thought Exchange. Thought Exchange will not share the authors of comments with the District. Your name will not appear on your submissions. This allows you to answer fairly and honestly. However, responses that are demeaning to any individuals will be removed by Thought Exchange.  

The members of the Strategic Planning Team will use this information in evaluating our successes as well as our areas in need of improvement when we begin planning for 2018 - 2019 school year.

Please take the time to complete the survey when it is sent to you. Although the link cannot be forwarded, there are directions on how to get other community members on the list if they don’t receive an invitation. We truly want to hear from as many people connected to West Genesee as possible.

Jeannette Clark

Monday, October 2, 2017

Other People Matter at Onondaga Road


Take a look at our Onondaga Road students who exhibited the character strengths of "curiosity" and "open-mindedness" throughout the month of September!  Our students are learning about their own strengths, and about how other people matter in our lives.
Onondaga Road's Open Minded Students
Onondaga Road's Curious Students

As we kick off the month of October, our students will be adding four new character strengths to their knowledge base:  perspective, teamwork/citizenship, creativity, and bravery.  I wonder how we will demonstrate these strengths, and I am looking forward to seeing it!

Dates to Remember:
  • Tuesday, 10/3, 6:30 at OR - Parent Orientation for English Language Learners
  • Wednesday, 10/4, 7:30 at WGHS - Board of Education Meeting
  • Monday, 10/9 - Columbus Day - Schools are closed!
  • Wednesday, 10/11, 6:30 at OR - PTA Meeting

Monday, September 18, 2017

This week at Onondaga Road

We are well on our way to a great school year!  Looks like Mother Nature is going to treat us to some summery weather this week, so it will be good to get the kids outside playing after school while you can.

Hopefully you heard a little about how "other people matter" last week while your children learned about what it means to truly live with the mindset that other people matter.  That was the introduction to the Positivity Project.  Children are learning to show others that they matter by cheering for other people's success, supporting others when they struggle, giving others your attention, appreciating the good in others, and knowing that our words and actions affect others.

This week we will introduce one of the 24 character strengths that students will learn over the course of the school year:  curiosity.

You will receive an overview of the "curiosity" strength once it has been introduced to your child.  I hope this will help you to have conversations with your child about his/her own character strengths.

Please help us to reinforce the importance of bus safety rules.  Students should have assigned seats on the bus, and they are expected to stay seated the entire duration of their ride.  Students have learned what it means to be respectful (to one another and the drive), responsible (for their behavior and their belongings), and safe (by following simple safety expectations) on the bus, and they are expected to adhere to these guidelines.

Overall, we have had a positive first couple of weeks, and we are well into our academics now.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

For your calendar:
  • Wednesday, 9/20 - Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 at WGHS
  • Wednesday, 9/27 - School Picture Day 

Enjoy the sunny week!

Friday, September 8, 2017

First Week of School at Onondaga Road

What a Great Week!

We had an exciting, action-packed week here at Onondaga Road.  We're happy to welcome all of our new students and families as well as our returning friends.  It was great to see and talk to so many parents on Thursday at our Curriculum Night; thank you for your continued support.

This week we had an introduction to our school expectations: Be respectful.  Be responsible.   Be safe. 

If you think about it, all of our expectations fall into those three categories.  It is our way of life here at Onondaga Road!  We expect our students and adults to be respectful, responsible and safe in all settings. That's why we took time this week to teach every class what it means to act respectfully, responsibly and safely in every setting:  the bus, upon entering school, in the hallways, the cafeteria, the playground, in assemblies, and upon dismissal.  We hope you will talk about these lessons with your children, and we also hope you will witness our fine behavior when you visit our school!

Next week we will be introducing our students to the "Other People Matter" mindset.  Isn't it true?  Other people matter!  We will learn about other people's positive character strengths, and we will learn about our own strengths as well. This is our kick-off to the Positivity Project.  Hopefully you took home some information about the Positivity Project, or P2 as we fondly refer to it, from Curriculum Night.  

The Positivity Project teaches children by acknowledging and defining 24 different character strengths that make up each of our personalities or characteristics.  Throughout the year, we will learn about these strengths and continue to develop these strengths as we grow. It is a positive way to learn about others, too, because #OtherPeopleMatter!

Here are some upcoming dates:
  • Monday, 9/11 - Bus safety drills 
  • Tuesday, 9/12 - PTA meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 9/20 - Board of Education meeting at WGHS, 7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 9/27 - School picture day 

Thanks, Jeannette Clark