Halloween is coming soon!
The children are ready to pick out their costumes, play tricks, and enjoy
plenty of treats. Please follow these
important guidelines to make the Halloween school day, Tuesday, October 31,
a safe and happy one for all of our children:
- Please
send your child’s costume to school in a bag. Do not send your child
to school in costume or wearing make-up. All scary, violent,
bloody masks, weapons, spears or other dangerous accessories and costumes
are not appropriate for school and must remain at home. Our
youngest students can be frightened easily, and we want them to have a
positive experience.
- The
parade will begin at 2:00. Spectators
for the parade will stand in the bus loop in front of the school. We will
block that area from traffic.
Please do not stand on the sidewalk in front of the building,
because the students will be parading the entire length of the sidewalk.
- Halloween
parties will be held in the classrooms after the parade. Due to health and
safety concerns, only adults who are already designated
helpers will be permitted into the classrooms during the parties,
and those helpers must sign in at the main office and wear a visible
visitor’s badge. Helpers are asked not to bring younger
children. All treats should have a label so that they can be
checked, as we have many students with allergies.
- If
you are a helper or plan to dress up to attend the parade, please avoid
wearing masks. Adults are not permitted to wear full-faced masks. Naturally, we must be able to recognize
everyone who is interacting with our children.
- Please
encourage your child to ride the bus home. Minimizing the car traffic
at the end of the day will help us get the children to their buses safely.
Children will not wear their costumes on the buses but will have plenty of
time and assistance to remove their costumes before dismissal. We will
follow normal dismissal procedures.
- As
always, if you must pick up your child due to other appointments at any
time, please be sure to send a note and sign him/her out in the
main office.