Monday, October 28, 2019

Spooky Things are Happening!

A big thank you goes out to our PTA for bringing our famous author, Troy Cummings, to visit us last Wednesday.  Mr. Cummings took us through an amazing journey of how to be an author, and we even created our own character called Doggapillar... Ask your child how that silly name was invented!

Officer Tom, our School Resource Officer, is often seen making great connections with our students.  You never know where you might see him next!

Congratulations to our top Onondaga Road Spellers who will be representing our school in the West Genesee Spelling Bee on November 7:  Jeremy C, Emma C, Natalia F, Annalise J, and Zella W. 

Please see below as a reminder of our school Halloween celebration.  Remember to send your child's costume in a bag, and be sure to label all of the parts with your child's name.  Thank you to the room parents who have already agreed to help and to others who will be sending in tricks and treats.  Let's keep Halloween safe and fun for everyone!

Onondaga Road School Halloween Parties!
Thursday, October 31, 2019, 2:15 p.m

As was the case last year, for safety reasons, we will not have an outdoor Halloween parade.  We will have classroom Halloween parties, and costumes are optional but encouraged!  We will run our regular daily school schedule until 2:00.  Our parties will begin at 2:15 on Halloween Day. Important note:  Only parents who have already signed up to be room helpers/volunteers will be permitted into the building for Halloween parties.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Please follow these important guidelines to make the day a safe and happy one for all of our children. 

  • If your child chooses to bring a costume, please send it to school in a bag.  Do not send your child to school in costume or wearing make-up. All scary, violent, bloody masks, weapons, spears or other dangerous accessories are not appropriate for school and must remain at home. Our youngest students can be frightened easily, and we want them to have a positive experience.

  • Halloween parties will be held in the classrooms at 2:15.

  • Parents who expressed interest in helping at the party were asked to sign up as a Room Parent Volunteer.  Only adults who are already designated helpers will be permitted into the classrooms during the parties.  Volunteers, please plan to arrive at school between 1:45-2:00 to sign in and to get set up.  You must sign in at the main office with your ID and wear a visible visitor’s badge while you are in the building. Helpers are asked not to bring younger children.

  • All treats should have a label so that ingredients can be checked, as we have many students with allergies.

  • If you are a volunteer/helper, please avoid wearing masks and costumes. Adults are not permitted to wear full-faced masks.  Naturally, we must be able to recognize everyone who is interacting with our children.

  • Please encourage your child to ride the bus home. Minimizing the car traffic at the end of the day will help us get the children to their buses safely. Children will not wear their costumes on the buses but will have plenty of time and assistance to remove their costumes before dismissal. We will follow normal dismissal procedures.

  • As always, if you must pick your child up early due to other appointments, please be sure to send a note, bring your ID when you come, and sign him/her out in the main office.