Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!


It’s a busy week here at OR!  Here are two things you should know about:

  1. “We had a fire drill today!” 
    If your child comes home and says that to you, that is correct; we did!  It was an accidental pull of the alarm by a student which caused the alarm to ring.  Because it was not a planned fire drill, the call center received the alarm and sent the fire trucks to our school.  We informed them of the accidental alarm, and they cleared us to bring the students back into the building.  The children got a little chilly outside, but they were otherwise safe!

  2. “We have some remote classes.”
    Again, this is correct.  On Sunday and Monday I became aware of some positive COVID cases connected to our building.  At this time, we have three classes of students that are learning from home (quarantine), and their teachers are teaching from home, too. Everyone directly connected has received a phone call from me.  Superintendent Bills and I have worked closely with the county health department to follow safety protocols and communication.  I might take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of mask wearing, even if you are not in school!  

Thank you for your continued support.


Jeannette Clark