Thursday, February 25, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

We hope everyone enjoyed the winter break last week, and now we are happy to be back in the swing of things here at OR.  Will March come in like a lion or a lamb?  We’ll have to watch and see on Monday!  I think spring is in the air!

100 Days!
Wednesday marked the 100th day of this school year!  As noted by our students, we have grown 100 days smarter, kinder and closer to one another.  Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to keeping our school healthy, safe and happy.  

Green Day for MDA
Be on the lookout for information about Green Day for MDA!  We will be participating in a community service and awareness-building event to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  Students will learn about the MDA, wear green on March 17th, and “lap the loop” (walk around the bus loop) to show our community support.  More coming, so stay tuned!

One of the things I love most about my career is the enthusiasm that young people bring to school every day!  They keep us young at heart.  Next week we will learn about enthusiasm and zest through the Positivity Project.  People who have enthusiasm as a character strength have a unique gift of bringing energy and excitement to most situations.  They energize the people around them!  Do you know people who have this trait? 

Register for Kindergarten
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year is currently open until March 31, 2021. If you know of anyone who will begin Kindergarten, please let them know!  Parents may utilize the Virtual Registration process to get started and schedule a tele-meeting!  If parents have any questions, please call our Central Registration Office at (315) 487-4683.

Rescheduled from February:
Board of Education to Host a Listening Session

The West Genesee Central School District Board of Education (BOE) invites parents, staff, community members, and students to a rescheduled Community Listening Session.

It will be held in the West Genesee High School library on Wednesday, March 3, from 6:00-7:00 p.m., prior to the regular 7:00 BOE meeting. The guiding question for this is: "What are your hopes and dreams for WGCSD?"  Please consider joining this session and offering your thoughts.

If you would like to attend at the library, please pre-register by filling out the RSVP from the invitation here. This allows us to keep track of participant numbers.  Depending on the number of people in the library, we have a plan for overflow (i.e. satellite rooms) if needed. It will also be livestreamed, so anyone can watch from this link.

If you cannot attend the event but want to share your thoughts, please send an email with your hopes to the BOE Presiden, Kimberly Coyne, at
Click here to read an invitation and RSVP to the BOE Listening Session.

Enjoy the weekend ahead, and welcome March!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Greetings from Onondaga Road

 Winter Recess

Remember that next week is Winter Recess, and schools are closed February 15-19.  We will return on Monday, February 22.  

Spirit Week at OR was fun!
Not only did the children enjoy the daily themes, but adults, too.  Abraham Lincoln, Amelia Earheart, and Alexander Hamilton were just a few of the people who joined us on Time Travel Day!

Health and Wellness Reminders
Thank you for your cooperation as we continue our efforts to keep one another COVID free and otherwise healthy.  Here are a couple of reminders which need your attention, for the good of all:

  • If your child is returning to school after having a COVID test, please be sure to provide us with the negative test result either before your child returns via fax or email, or send a paper copy with your child upon return.  We cannot have a child in attendance while awaiting official COVID test results. 

  • Similarly, if a child is returning to school with a negative COVID test result but has been sick from something that is not COVID related, your child must be fever free for at least 24 hours, and any other symptoms must be improving before they return. 

When we return from Winter Recess on February 22, we will practice having an “other people matter” mindset by cheering others’ success, and practice showing genuine support and praise for someone else when they accomplish a goal.  We will also focus on humility being our character strength of the week.  Having humility, or modesty, is a sign of strength; it means you don’t seek the spotlight for yourself, but have quiet confidence in your abilities yet know that you always have room to improve.

Enjoy the Winter Recess!
Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Greetings from OR

 February Greetings from Onondaga Road!

That groundhog saw his shadow on February 2nd, and it scared him right back into his hole for another six weeks of winter!  Well, that’s pretty typical for the Central New York area! 

Spirit Week 

Let’s have some fun next week before Winter Recess:

  • Monday, 2/8 - School Spirit Day (Wear blue and gold!)
  • Tuesday, 2/9 - Silly Sock Day
  • Wednesday, 2/10 - Time Travel Day (Pick any person from the past!)
  • Thursday, 2/11 - Class Color Day (Each class will vote!)
  • Friday, 2/12 - Pink-Purple-Red Valentine's Day

Positivity Project
If your character strength is “love,” you value close relationships with others and being close to people.  Next week is a perfect week to show you love and care about your friends and family!

February PTA Zoom 

We have our monthly PTA meeting on Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30.  Here is the Zoom link so you can join us!

Looking Ahead
Remember that the week of February 15-19 is Winter Recess and schools are closed.

Have a good weekend, and let’s get our kids outside to play in the snow!