Thursday, February 4, 2021

Greetings from OR

 February Greetings from Onondaga Road!

That groundhog saw his shadow on February 2nd, and it scared him right back into his hole for another six weeks of winter!  Well, that’s pretty typical for the Central New York area! 

Spirit Week 

Let’s have some fun next week before Winter Recess:

  • Monday, 2/8 - School Spirit Day (Wear blue and gold!)
  • Tuesday, 2/9 - Silly Sock Day
  • Wednesday, 2/10 - Time Travel Day (Pick any person from the past!)
  • Thursday, 2/11 - Class Color Day (Each class will vote!)
  • Friday, 2/12 - Pink-Purple-Red Valentine's Day

Positivity Project
If your character strength is “love,” you value close relationships with others and being close to people.  Next week is a perfect week to show you love and care about your friends and family!

February PTA Zoom 

We have our monthly PTA meeting on Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30.  Here is the Zoom link so you can join us!

Looking Ahead
Remember that the week of February 15-19 is Winter Recess and schools are closed.

Have a good weekend, and let’s get our kids outside to play in the snow!