A Few Reminders from
- Wednesday, 3/11/20 is a half-day professional development day for staff
and a half-day dismissal for students. Walkers will be dismissed at
11:20, and buses will leave at 11:30.
- Please be cautious and considerate of safety rules in the parking lot while dropping off and picking up students from school. If you are dropping your child off, please do so swiftly at the curb, then move your car out of the "no parking" zone. Also, if you are waiting for another car in front of you, please be patient and do NOT pass cars that are dropping students off. You can see the potential danger in that, as students may be crossing the parking lot. And remember, never pass a bus with flashing red lights!
- Our annual OR Science Fair is on Thursday, 3/19/20. Students from grades 3, 4, 5 are currently conducting experiments to be displayed at the fair. All are welcome to tour the Science Fair exhibits at 6:30-7:30 on the 19th.
- We went through some little bouts of the stomach bug, the flu, and colds prior to February Break, but now we are well on our way to being back to our healthy selves! Mrs. Nason, our nurse, puts a note out each month highlighting what's going around and suggestions to help keep one another healthy. Frequent hand washing, and staying home for plenty of rest if you are sick are the two best ways to keep germs at bay. If you are interested in reading a District update about influenza or coronavirus, please feel free to put those key terms into the search bar at the top of the West Genesee website. This would lead you to some informational links.
- Students in grades 3, 4, 5 will take the computer-based NYS ELA Assessment on Monday, 3/30 and Tuesday, 3/31/20. A reminder letter will go home with students next week.
Enjoy the weekend!