Friday, March 20, 2020

OR Update...

Online Learning Available!
The West Genesee Elementary Online Learning Portal is now open! You can access it by clicking here or you can find it under the "Connect" section located on the bottom left of the West Genesee Home Page at To help ease the transition to online learning, all activities assigned are review or practice activities for the next two weeks. Each week the site will be updated, and you will still be able to access the previous weeks if necessary. If we need to continue with online instruction after the Spring Break week, new learning will take place.  Some of that future new learning will be provided via this portal, and some will be assigned via Google Classroom by your child's teacher. If you have any trouble accessing the portal, either contact your child's teacher, email me at or call the main office at 315-487-4653 and leave a message.  

A Few Notes From PTA
If you are still interested in ordering a yearbook, you are more than welcome to place an order before April.  The link is:  - Use this ID Code: 11989220  

Across the district, PTO/PTA has come up with a fun way to keep kids connected to one another through a Virtual Spirit Week.  If you and your family would like to participate, take a look at this note:

Stay well, and stay connected.  I'll blog again next week!
Jeannette Clark