During the week of June 1-5, we have scheduled times for families to walk through the school to pick up belongings that students may have left behind. Hopefully you have received a specific schedule in the mail, so be sure to contact your teacher or me if you have any questions.
Thank you to all of our new families who have registered for kindergarten for the fall. Welcome, incoming kindergarten students; you are the class of 2033! We look forward to welcoming you in person soon, but for now, with our current school closures, please understand that our kindergarten screening dates that were scheduled for June 29-30 need to be postponed. Once we have new dates established for screening, you will receive a letter in the mail, so stay tuned!
Each year as part of our recognition ceremony for students in grade 5, we share a "through the years" type of video with pictures of our 5th graders. This year's slideshow may include some different scenery and settings since we've been away from school for the past several weeks. Fifth graders, be sure to send three or four pictures of what you have been doing at home during this time of distance learning to
oroadyearbook@gmail.com. You never know; your pictures might end up in your special end-of-fifth-grade slideshow!
Did you know that each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m? I hope you can take a moment to express gratitude and remembrance in some way. This Memorial Day weekend, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our military service members, and pay honor to those who lost their lives in service.
Be well, and enjoy your weekend as we embrace the unofficial beginning of the summer season!