Greetings from Onondaga Road! We have all been working hard during this time of distance learning, and as you now know from the governor's message, our buildings will be closed for the remainder of this school year. Health and safety first! That doesn't mean that our teaching and learning stops! We will continue to instruct from afar, and you can continue to reach out to your teachers and to me if you have questions.
I will speak on behalf of our entire staff when I say that we appreciate each and every one of you for your part in helping to make the children's lessons most meaningful. The next few weeks of May are actually four-day academic weeks with time built in for purposeful rest and wellness. Take a look at these links for our West Genesee Wildcats "Stronger Together" Virtual Wellness Week and some choices for mindful activities for you and your family. Feel free to email me or your teacher some pictures of your family engaged in any of these wellness activities!
Over the next few weeks, we will continue planning for some other events and details related specifically to building closures. Many people have asked, and I want you to know that in the weeks to come you can expect information regarding:
- how and when to get into the buildings to retrieve belongings
- kindergarten screening
- grade 5 recognition
Thank you for your patience and participation as we continue to plan and work together. Remember that school is still in session, even if our buildings are not open at this time! Keep up the good work!
To all of the moms out there, a heartfelt happy Mother's Day to you!