Safety First
Parents dropping off students in the morning, please, please help…Students should not be dropped off prior to 8:40 as there is NO supervision outside until 8:40. You cannot drop your child off and leave them unattended on the sidewalk or at the front door; this is dangerous! 8:40-9:00 is student drop off time, so getting here earlier than that will require you to wait in your car with your child. I or another staff member will open the door promptly at 8:40, and that is when you should let your child out of your car. Please help us keep your child safe.
Scholastic Virtual Book Fair
Our book fair is running now through June 6. You can access the online OR Scholastic Book Fair here. Thanks to PTA for organizing this virtual event, and to all of you for sharing the love of books and reading with your child!
Reminder to Remote Students & Families
I hope your year has gone well and that you finish strong! You will need all of your learning materials through the last day of school, but then we will take inventory to get ready for the next school year. To that end, you will need to return your Chromebook with the charger and all of the readers and texts that you have been using. Used workbooks do not need to be returned. Since Thursday, June 24 is a half-day, you can return your things to the main office between 12:00-3:30, or you can drop them off on Friday, June 25 between 8:30-3:30. Thank you!
Student-Teacher Switch Day
We had a lot of teachers (and principals!) here at Onondaga Road today!
Dates to Remember
May 28 No School
May 31 No School, Memorial Day
June 1 No School
June 4 School Spirit Day - Wear Blue & Gold!
June 7 NYS Science Assessment, 4th Grade, 10:15
June 8 PTA Meeting via Zoom, 6:30
June 9 WGMS Counselors Visit 4th Grade
June 11 Senior Walk
June 14 Flag Day - Wear red, white & blue!
June 18 Grade 4 Picnic
June 21 OR Olympics (modified version!)
June 23 Half Day of School, 11:15 Dismissal
June 24 Half Day, Last Day of School, 11:15 Dismissal
June 24 Remote families return all school materials, 12:00-3:30
June 25 Remote families return all school materials, 8:30-3:30
Memorial Day…
Thank you to all who serve, to all who have served, and to all who perished while defending our freedoms. Enjoy the weekend with your family and friends, and remember the true reason for the Memorial holiday.
Sincerely, Jeannette Clark