Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Greetings and Update from Onondaga Road

 West Genesee Goes Fully Remote December 17 Through December 23

Here is the letter from Superintendent David Bills regarding our district’s temporary move to remote learning due to COVID.  I also sent home a paper copy with your child yesterday.  We anticipate coming back to in-school learning on January 4, 20201!  Please know we all play an important role in keeping our good health by social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing our hands frequently.  Let’s take care of one another during this season of giving.

I am confident that we are ready to go fully remote and maintain meaningful relationships and instruction.  Your child’s teachers will reach out to your family so that we are ready to begin on Thursday.  Here are some things you need to know...

Food Services
Here is a link to our Food Service Department in case you have any questions regarding school meals, or you can email your questions to

Student Materials

Children are coming home with materials they will need for online learning, including a Chromebook and charger.  These materials must be returned with your child when we return to in-school learning.
If your child was absent from school yesterday or today and does not have a school Chromebook at home, you (parents) will need to pick it up from the main office.  Your child will need this to “attend” remote school from now through December 23. You can pick it up at the main office today until 4:00 p.m. or tomorrow (Thursday) between 8:30 and 3:00.  Please don’t wait beyond Thursday because if you do, your child will be “absent” from remote school!

Student Participation and Behavior Expectations
Speaking of remote school, here is a link to our online student expectations and commitments to making an online class function at its best.

Both synchronous and asynchronous lessons and assignments will be provided.  The synchronous lesson times will closely mirror your child’s in-school schedule for math and ELA, and students should participate in daily special area classes as well.  Synchronous lessons will be approximately 30 minutes each.  


Special Education and Support Services
Students will continue to receive services throughout our remote period.  Their scheduled times will closely mirror their current daily schedule.  

We will take attendance during synchronous learning sessions/classes each day. 


Tech Support

Here is a Parent’s Guide to West Genesee Chromebooks.


Look who greeted our buses and cars this morning!
What a way to start the day!


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road

 Report Cards

This is just another reminder that we will not be mailing or sending hard copies of report cards home with your child this year. Report cards will be available to view starting this Saturday at noon via the Parent Portal on Schooltool. Click here to access the viewing instructions. Here is a short video that also explains how to access the report cards online. If you need a hard copy of your child's report card mailed to your home, please contact our main office at 315-487-4653.

Strategic Planning Calls for Commentary

Every year the District Strategic Planning Team comes together to review our District’s annual progress toward improvement and to make recommendations for continued growth. One of the key pieces driving our improvement is the feedback we receive from our community, staff, and students. Please take a few minutes to complete this year's survey. Let us know about our areas of strength and our opportunities for growth. Thank you!


School Spirit Wear

Our PTA has put together a School Spirit Wear online order form, but act fast!  The deadline for ordering in time for holiday delivery is this weekend, Saturday, December 12!  PTA had put a link to order on our OR PTA Facebook page, but in case you missed it, here is the link if you are interested in ordering West Genesee garb.  


Positivity Project
Next week we will practice self-control as a character strength.  It may be harder during the holiday season than any other time of year to have control of your emotions and behaviors, for adults and kids alike!  It’s a perfect time to slow down and think about our actions.


Streamlined Communications
For your information, the West Genesee district website has an up-to-date page of COVID-19 communications regarding the pandemic and cases directly connected to our community schools.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!


It’s a busy week here at OR!  Here are two things you should know about:

  1. “We had a fire drill today!” 
    If your child comes home and says that to you, that is correct; we did!  It was an accidental pull of the alarm by a student which caused the alarm to ring.  Because it was not a planned fire drill, the call center received the alarm and sent the fire trucks to our school.  We informed them of the accidental alarm, and they cleared us to bring the students back into the building.  The children got a little chilly outside, but they were otherwise safe!

  2. “We have some remote classes.”
    Again, this is correct.  On Sunday and Monday I became aware of some positive COVID cases connected to our building.  At this time, we have three classes of students that are learning from home (quarantine), and their teachers are teaching from home, too. Everyone directly connected has received a phone call from me.  Superintendent Bills and I have worked closely with the county health department to follow safety protocols and communication.  I might take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of mask wearing, even if you are not in school!  

Thank you for your continued support.


Jeannette Clark

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

 It’s December Already!

Here are a few December dates to remember:

  • December 4 - School Spirit Day - Wear blue and gold!

  • December 12 - Report cards are available online.  

  • December 16 - 7:00 - Board of Education Meeting

  • December 23 - Last day of school for 2020!

  • December 24 through January 3 - Schools are closed for holiday recess. 

COVID Testing

Thank you to everyone that signed up to have your child tested this Friday. The available slots at Onondaga Road filled up very quickly, including both students and staff.  Mrs. Nason, Mrs. Rotunno, and I will be present at the testing. Here is a short video from CNY Central showing  the actual testing process. If you have any questions regarding the testing, you are welcome to call us at school, 315-487-4653.

Positivity Project

This week we have talked a lot about being kind, as kindness is the positivity strength we are practicing.  Speaking of kindness, I must express my gratitude to all who so kindly contributed to our local community service projects and have helped to make the Thanksgiving and holiday seasons brighter for many of our Onondaga Road families. 
Through the Positivity Project, next week we will  learn more about how other people matter and reflect upon how our own words affect others.  

Safety Reminders
Slow down!  As you enter and exit our school lots for arrival and dismissal, let me remind you that there are many, many children walking to and from the building, and many of our staff members stand in the driveways to help you.  We are working very hard to keep everyone safe.  It truly takes all of our efforts, and I ask that you slow down, be patient, and be respectful of others.  Here are a few more safety requirements:
✔️ Never pass a school bus!

✔️ Have your child exit the car door closest to the building, not in the traffic lane.
✔️ Wait until 8:40 to arrive; 8:30 is too early.

✔️ Turn right if you exit from either the bus loop or Kent Place (not left!).

✔️ Complete and send a purple Home Health Screening Sheet every day. 


Remote Student Supply Pickup

Mark your calendar.  The next supply pickup for all K-4 remote students has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2021, from 3:00 - 4:00p.m. 

Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!


Parent Conferences

Please remember that Monday and Tuesday of next week are half-days for elementary students K-4. Bus dismissal is at 11:00-11:15, and parent pick-up is 11:15-11:30.  All conferences are being held via Zoom.




Remote Student Supply Pick-up

All Onondaga Road remote grades 2, 3, 4 students should pick up their new learning materials and music kits at Onondaga Road main office on Monday, November 23 between 12:00 and 3:00.
Any remote kindergarten and grade 1 students who did not get their music kits on picture day are welcome to pick them up at that time as well.   


Report Cards

As a reminder, we are no longer distributing paper report cards to all families. Electronic report cards will be available via SchoolTool beginning Saturday, December 12.  Click here to access the viewing instructions. Here is a short video that also explains how to access the report cards online. If you need to update your email or phone number in SchoolTool, please click this link. If you need a hard copy of your child's report card mailed to your home, after December 12, please contact our school office at 315-487-4653.


All West Genesee Schools are closed Wednesday through Friday, November 25-27.  Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!  

Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

 Update about School Photos

School picture make-up day is Tuesday, November 17.  Please be sure your child brings the first package back if they are getting a retake.
Remote students who would like to have their pictures taken should plan on coming at the times listed below.  Be sure to park in the parking lot and have students enter through the back door closest to the gym and playground.  Parents are being asked to kindly wait outside.  Times are as follows:
Between 10:30-11:30 - Last names beginning with A through J
Between 11:30-12:30 - Last names beginning with K through R
Between 12:30-1:30 - Last names beginning with S through Z


Health and Safety

Here is a link to a note that was distributed by our district nurses.  It includes links to an update about  “What to Know When Your Child is Ill” and to local and out-of-state travel advisories.  

In other health and safety news, I am reminding you to please send your child to school each day with a purple home health screening sheet, after having monitored your child’s health at home.  Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding as we take care of one another. 


Connecting School to Home

Here are several opportunities in the next few days to keep the communication between home and school alive!

  • Tuesday, 11/17, 6:30-7:00 - Onondaga Road PTA Meeting - Click here for the Zoom link, and here are passcodes if you need them: 
    Meeting ID: 862 743 5076 and Passcode: ordpta

  • Also Tuesday, 11/17, 7:00-8:00 - Talk with Superintendent David Bills - Here is a link to the information about how to attend and participate. 

  • Wednesday, 11/18, 7:00 - Board of Education Meeting at WGHS, or stream live from this BOE link on the district website.  

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences - Ongoing between now and Thanksgiving break.  Be sure to contact your child’s teacher if you have yet to respond to a conference request. 


Positivity Project

Next week we will learn about the power of gratitude.  Having or showing gratitude means you are aware of and thankful for good things that happen; it's the quality of feeling and expressing thankfulness and appreciation. 


Instructional Setting Changes    

You should have received a letter from the elementary principals regarding requests for changes to your childrens' instructional setting. The deadline for such requests is November 17, and your request must be in writing. 


Remote Students Materials Pick-up
As a reminder, pick-up of supplies for grades 2, 3, and 4 is on Monday, November 23 from 12:00-3:00 at Onondaga Road.   Please come to the main door and someone will bring your supplies to you.


For Your Planning
When making your child care arrangements, remember that Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 are half-days for elementary students grades K-4 due to parent-teacher conferences.  Dismissal is at 11:15 both days.  There is no school November 25-27 for Thanksgiving break. 


Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Veterans’ Wall of Fame

I would  like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of our Veterans and current service members for your dedication and service.  Each year at Veterans’ Day, our students and staff proudly post the names of family service members, past and present, on red, white, and blue stars to be honored and recognized on our Veterans’ Wall of Fame.  It is humbling, to say the least.  Thank you to our Veterans, to their families, and to Mrs. Schulz’s fourth grade for helping to organize this special display. 

Veterans’ Day

Schools are closed on Wednesday, November 11, in recognition of our Veterans. 

School Photos

School picture make-up day is Tuesday, Novemer 17.  Please be sure your child brings the first package back if they are getting a retake. Remote students who would like to have their pictures taken should plan on coming between 10:30-1:30, according to the schedule you received. 

Instructional Setting Changes    

Please be on the lookout for a letter from the elementary school principals regarding requests for changes to your childrens' instructional setting.


Remote Students

As a reminder, pick-up of supplies for grades 2, 3, and 4 is on Monday, November 23 from 12:00-3:00 at Onondaga Road. 


Positivity Project

Next week we will learn about bravery as a character strength.  Isn’t it fitting that this trait is highlighted the week of Veterans’ Day?


District Newsletter
Take a look at the West Genesee District e-Newsletter for up to date information about potential school closings and notifications.  I know this great weather is too good to be true for now, but that Central NY snow is inevitable!


Enjoy the sunshine-filled fall days!

Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Follow Me! You have likely noticed that I am not very active on social media.  Lots of great things happen in school every day, but honestly, I am not in the habit of carrying my phone around to capture the moments in pictures.  I’m going to try to send some pictures more frequently!  So far I have a handful of school-followers on Twitter, but maybe if I make more frequent attempts at “tweeting” I can pick up a few more of you to follow along!  Follow me on Twitter at @jclarkOnonRd (but forgive me if a few days get away from me between tweets!).

Positivity Project
Next week we learn about “perspective.”  Having perspective means that you appreciate when people see things in different ways. You have the ability to understand the world from multiple points of view.  

Picture Day for Remote Students

As you know, remote students are invited to come to school on November 17 for picture day.  Please adhere closely to the safety/entry directions and time schedule which was mailed to you.  If you would like to order your child’s picture package online, the code is different from the one on the envelope you previously received.  To place an order online, go to and use this Picture Day ID:  EVTDV9KS4

It’s Already November!
Here are a few dates to remember:

November 3 - Election Day
November 6 - School spirit day (Wear blue and gold!)
November 11 - Veterans’ Day
November 17 - Picture make-up day, and remote student picture day
November 19 - PTA meeting, 6:30 via Zoom
November 23 - Remote students grades 2-4 pick up learning materials,
November 23-24 - Half-days for students, parent/teacher conferences
November 25-27 - Thanksgiving break

Please remember that we are not wearing Halloween costumes to school, but Friday concludes our Fall Frenzy week with PJ Day!  Have a Happy Halloween with your children at home, and don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour… As I wrote that, I thought it might be an outdated statement since most clocks and devices these days will reset themselves! 
Have a great weekend!

Sincerely, Jeannette Clark

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Spooky, Not Scary! With Halloween lurking right around the corner and many families questioning whether or not to go trick-or-treating, we thought this document from the NYS Department of Health might give you some new and creative ideas for celebrating the spooky season!

Remote Kindergarten
The date for remote Kindergarten students to pick up their next set of learning materials has changed from October 30 to Thursday, October 29 at 3:00-4:00 p.m.  This is the time for remote Kindergarten families only; please come to the main door and we will get the materials to you.  Grades 2-4 are still scheduled for November 23, and I will send another reminder as that time gets closer. 

Home Health Screening Sheets
Another purple-colored Home Health Screening pad has been sent home with your child this week.  Parents are responsible for filling out a screening sheet for each child every day, and children hand in this sheet when they get to school each morning.  Please be sure to do your part in monitoring this from home, and just let me know if you need more sheets.


I am proud of our children for doing their best each day to wear their masks appropriately. Sometimes, however, some students have difficulty or need reminders about keeping their mask on and keeping both their mouth and nose covered. In order for us to keep each other safe, slow the spread of germs, keep our building open, and keep your child(ren) in school, it is imperative that students wear their mask correctly. Your support in this is greatly appreciated.  You can continue to help teach them and model the correct way to wear a mask!  In addition, while West Genesee does allow students to wear gaiter masks (some districts do not), I encourage you, if possible, to have your child wear a regular mask. We notice that most of the gaiters are too big for the students. Because of their large size, they either fall down, or students pull them up over their ears making it difficult for them to hear, or some children chew on the mask. If you have the choice of sending your child to school with a regular mask, and even a second one in a baggie in their backpack, it would be helpful and appreciated. We do have disposable masks available, and you may have seen your child come home with one of those rather than the one they wore to school. Finally, masks should be washed after every day’s use to keep them clean and free of germs (and unpleasant odors). Again, I thank you!


Parent Survey Coming Soon
Please be on the lookout for a new letter and survey coming out next week from the Superintendent’s office regarding the second semester for this school year. 


Positivity Project
Next week we will highlight creativity as the character trait of the week.  I know a lot of creative people, and I am excited to see their creativity shine during our Fun Fall Frenzy Spirit Week!

Fun Fall Frenzy

Click here to access the note that was sent home about our Fun Fall Frenzy!  OR spirit week looks like this:
Monday - School Spirit Blue and Gold
Tuesday - Beach Day
Wednesday - Hat Day
Thursday - Favorite Sports Team Day

Friday - PJ or Comfy Clothes Day

Thank you for your continued support from home! 
Jeannette Clark