Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greetings from Onondaga Road!

Spooky, Not Scary! With Halloween lurking right around the corner and many families questioning whether or not to go trick-or-treating, we thought this document from the NYS Department of Health might give you some new and creative ideas for celebrating the spooky season!

Remote Kindergarten
The date for remote Kindergarten students to pick up their next set of learning materials has changed from October 30 to Thursday, October 29 at 3:00-4:00 p.m.  This is the time for remote Kindergarten families only; please come to the main door and we will get the materials to you.  Grades 2-4 are still scheduled for November 23, and I will send another reminder as that time gets closer. 

Home Health Screening Sheets
Another purple-colored Home Health Screening pad has been sent home with your child this week.  Parents are responsible for filling out a screening sheet for each child every day, and children hand in this sheet when they get to school each morning.  Please be sure to do your part in monitoring this from home, and just let me know if you need more sheets.


I am proud of our children for doing their best each day to wear their masks appropriately. Sometimes, however, some students have difficulty or need reminders about keeping their mask on and keeping both their mouth and nose covered. In order for us to keep each other safe, slow the spread of germs, keep our building open, and keep your child(ren) in school, it is imperative that students wear their mask correctly. Your support in this is greatly appreciated.  You can continue to help teach them and model the correct way to wear a mask!  In addition, while West Genesee does allow students to wear gaiter masks (some districts do not), I encourage you, if possible, to have your child wear a regular mask. We notice that most of the gaiters are too big for the students. Because of their large size, they either fall down, or students pull them up over their ears making it difficult for them to hear, or some children chew on the mask. If you have the choice of sending your child to school with a regular mask, and even a second one in a baggie in their backpack, it would be helpful and appreciated. We do have disposable masks available, and you may have seen your child come home with one of those rather than the one they wore to school. Finally, masks should be washed after every day’s use to keep them clean and free of germs (and unpleasant odors). Again, I thank you!


Parent Survey Coming Soon
Please be on the lookout for a new letter and survey coming out next week from the Superintendent’s office regarding the second semester for this school year. 


Positivity Project
Next week we will highlight creativity as the character trait of the week.  I know a lot of creative people, and I am excited to see their creativity shine during our Fun Fall Frenzy Spirit Week!

Fun Fall Frenzy

Click here to access the note that was sent home about our Fun Fall Frenzy!  OR spirit week looks like this:
Monday - School Spirit Blue and Gold
Tuesday - Beach Day
Wednesday - Hat Day
Thursday - Favorite Sports Team Day

Friday - PJ or Comfy Clothes Day

Thank you for your continued support from home! 
Jeannette Clark