Arriving at School
Thank you for sending the children to school in masks and with their purple Home Health Screening sheets in hand. It helps us to expedite the arrival process, and students come ready to get the school day started!
Yearbook Update
Our 2019-20 yearbooks are en route! It’s been a long wait, but these books are sure to bring back some great memories. We will get these sorted and distributed as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
School Pictures
Our school picture day is on Wednesday, October 7. Students will wear their masks walking to and from the photographer, who will be set up in the gym, and take their masks off to smile for the camera! Picture make-up day, for those absent on Wednesday or needing a re-take, will be held on November 17. This November date is also the time that all of our remote learners are invited to have their school picture taken. Remote students will receive a picture order form in the mail along with specific safety directions about that picture day as the date gets closer.
Join Us for PTA
Our monthly PTA meeting takes place next week on Thursday, October 8 at 6:30 via Zoom. Here is the link if you would like to join us!
Update From Our Nurses
If you haven’t yet, please take a minute to read this note from the WG nurses which outlines the protocol that the school must follow when students show signs and symptoms of illness. We will continue to inform you of changes or revisions. Again, we thank you for your continued support from home as we make every effort to keep one another safe and healthy.
Next week we will take a look at what it means to be open-minded. Open-mindedness means you like to consider new ideas and try new things. You examine things from all sides and don’t jump to conclusions.
Mark Your Calendar for Half-Day Dismissal
October 16 is a half-day for students and a professional development afternoon for staff. Students will be dismissed at 11:00-11:15 for buses, and 11:15-11:30 for students being picked up by parents. Don’t forget to make your child care arrangements if needed!
Have a great weekend, and see you next week!
Sincerely, Jeannette Clark