Half-day Teacher Workshop Day Tomorrow, Friday, October 16, is a half-day. Buses will be dismissed at 11:00-11:15, and parent pick-up is at 11:15-11:30.
Walk for Peace
The Central New York Social Justice League will be holding a Walk for Peace on Saturday, October 17, from 12:30 - 3:30. Anyone interested in promoting and learning about how to advocate for social justice and building peace in our communities is welcome to attend. Please note: The location has changed to the Camillus Municipal Building. For more information, and to register for the event, click here!
Questions About Remote Learning
The question has come up about whether or not a child can switch to remote learning when they are absent from school, out sick, on vacation, or when they return from a state that requires quarantine upon return. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Our in-school teachers (K-4) are not teaching remotely, and our remote teachers (K-4) have a full class of students. As you know, our grades K-4 students are either in school or remote learners. In our district, the hybrid model is for grade 5 and beyond. For a variety of reasons, absences do happen. Some requests for work during a child's absence can be accommodated, and some such requests cannot. Each child is unique, so the teacher will know which lessons and activities need to be made up upon the child's return. Also, please note that if a family knowingly goes to a state that is on "the list" (for quarantine upon return), the child's absences would be considered unexcused. Thank you for your understanding and for your continued support.
Unity Day
A note from the National Bullying Prevention Center and our school counselors:
Show that you care about safe and supportive schools and communities, and make your color orange on Unity Day, Wednesday, October 21! That’s the day everyone can come together in schools, neighborhoods, communities and online to send an orange message of support, hope and unity, and show that we are united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
Positivity Project
Forgiveness is next week's character trait!
Dates for Remote OR Students to Remember
October 30, 10:00-1:00 - Onondaga Road Kindergarten families only, pick up the next unit materials and readers at the main door of Onondaga Road.
November 17, 10:30-1:30 - All Onondaga Road remote learners are invited to have school pictures taken here at Onondaga Road. Watch for your information flyer and picture order form in the mail.
November 23, 12:00-3:30 - Onondaga Road 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade remote learners only, come to the main door of Onondaga Road School to pick up the materials and books for your next units.
Have a great weekend!
Sincerely, Jeannette Clark